Council: Annual Agenda 2023-24

Here is an overview of forthcoming Council business, listing the standard and non-standard items to be covered during meetings.

Standard Items on every Agenda

  • Chair’s Report
  • Financial Update (except October)
  • Audit and Risk Committee Report 
  • Capital Framework Progress Report (except October)
  • Health, Safety and Environment Report
  • Vice-Chancellor’s Report
  • Matters for Report:
    • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Education and Student Experience)
      Student Recruitment; matters relating to Learning, Teaching and Student Experience
    • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)
      EDI Compliance; matters relating to EDI
    • Pro Vice-Chancellor (夜色直播app and Innovation)
      夜色直播app Grants and Contracts; matters relating to 夜色直播app and Innovation
    • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Sport)
      Sporting Excellence and Opportunity
  • Risk Management (except October)
  • Office for Students Reportable Incidents
  • Reports from Committees
  • Honorary Degree and University Medal invitations
  • List of documents to which the Common Seal has been attached


12 October 2023

Standard Items

  • Chair’s Introduction/Duties and Responsibilities of Members
  • Update on Core Plans – celebration of achievements and priorities for following year
  • Student Recruitment
  • National Student Survey
  • Membership of Council Committees
  • Overview of Year’s Forthcoming Business
  • Notification of Senior Academic Appointments


23 November 2023

Standard Items

  • Review of University KPIs for the previous year
  • Financial Statements, including Statement of Corporate Governance
  • Academic Quality and Standards Assurance Report
  • Annual Report on Senior Staff Remuneration
  • Prevent Duty
  • Audit and Risk Committee Annual Reports including Internal Audit
  • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
  • Note dates of Graduation Ceremonies


21 March 2024 

Standard Items

  • Update on Enabling Projects Programme
  • University Budget 2023/24 and Financial Forecasts
  • Revised Capital Framework
  • Annual Health, Safety and Environment Report
  • Annual Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Compliance Report
  • Annual Report from the Radiation Protection Officer
  • Annual Report on Academic Partnerships
  • Annual Report on Philanthropy
  • 夜色直播apper Development Concordat


27 June 2023

Standard Items

  • Update on the Higher Education External Environment
  • Implementing and Resourcing University Strategy
  • Approval of Office for Students estimated out-turn for 2023/24, University Budget 2024/25 and Financial Forecasts for the period ending 31 July 2029
  • 夜色直播app Students’ Union Annual Report
  • Ethical Policy Framework
  • Outcome of Office for Students Prevent Duty Assessment
  • Student Complaints Annual Report


Items/themes expected during the year (exact timeline not yet determined)

  • Council Effectiveness Review
  • National Rehabilitation Centre approval
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Core Plan
  • 夜色直播app and Innovation Core Plan
  • Sporting Excellence and Opportunity Core Plan


Luke Vulpiani
September 2023