Miss Laurel Northmore

BSc (Hons) MSc

  • ERBE CDT Doctoral 夜色直播apper

夜色直播app groups and centres

夜色直播app and expertise

I have a BSc (Hons) Architectural Engineering degree from the University of Plymouth and have recently completed an MSc in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, from the University of Southampton.

My undergraduate degree was fundamentally interdisciplinary: focusing on the legal, technical, social, and research related to low-energy buildings. My dissertation explored the impact of ‘green’ buildings on the psychological well-being of occupants, using qualitative social research methods.

Following this, my MSc research project developed my research skills considerably. Initially working with Mott McDonald Sustainability Consultants to develop the research concept, the project reflects the transparency required for public consultations for projects requiring EIA. Appling human-computer theory, and qualitative research methods, the project explored the usability of emerging digital reporting formats, developed a novel cartographic and interface feature review framework, and explored their purpose amongst leading professionals and future development direction.

From both undergrad and postgrad degrees, and their respective research projects, I have gained primary research skills from a socio-technical perspective, utilising and adapting conventional qualitative methods, alongside exposure to technical, quantitative, research methods.

Current research activity

  • ERBE CDT: R0 Modules
  • PhD 夜色直播app: The transition to all-electric homes for a net-zero economy

Recently completed research projects

  • Digital Environmental Impact Assessment: An Exploration of Emerging Digital Approaches for Non-Technical Reports.

Recent publications

  • Laurel Northmore, Malcolm D. Hudson (2022) Digital environmental impact assessment: An exploration of emerging digital approaches for non-technical reports. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Vol 92(2022). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2021.106689


I have a BSc (Hons) Architectural Engineering (1:1) degree from the University of Plymouth and have recently completed an MSc Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Distinction), from the University of Southampton.

My interest in the built environment and social science extends beyond the remit of academia. Alongside gaining academic experience through BSc and MSc degrees, I have continually worked in several jobs throughout school and university life, and have grown up helping on my family-run beef and arable farm.

I have recently worked in the care sector as a CAREGiver, administrator, and recruiter. Working in care through the impact of COVID-19 has broadened my awareness and empathy toward vulnerable communities, which need to be respected while we drive the movement toward a net-zero economy.

Academia, practical work experience, and my background has given me the ambition to contribute towards research in transition to net-zero, using an interdisciplinary socio-technical approach.

Professional affiliations

  • IEMA Graduate Member


  • University of Plymouth Faculty of Arts and Humanities Dean’s Award 2018 & 2019
  • University of Southampton Faculty of Environmental Sciences Dean’s Award 2020 

Key collaborators

My research and enterprise activities are conducted with a range of academic and stakeholder partners, including:

  • Supervisors: Dr Arash Baizaee and Dr Steven Firth