Junior 夜色直播apper Mentoring Grant awarded to Emine 艦im艧ek

Emine 艦im艧ek has been awarded the competitive EARLI (European Association of Learning and Instruction) Junior 夜色直播apper (JURE) Mentoring Grant.

Emine 艦im艧ek, who is a PhD candidate in the Maths Education Centre, supervised by Dr Ian Jones and Dr Iro Xenidou-Dervou, has been awarded the competitive EARLI (European Association of Learning and Instruction) Junior 夜色直播apper (JURE) Mentoring Grant, worth 2000 euros. With this grant she will visit the University of Turku, Finland, and establish international collaborations on a project regarding the effect of different problem types on the development of children’s understanding of mathematical equivalence. EARLI is the biggest educational association in Europe.

Congratulations Emine!