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Being an expanding Department of Physics, we have implemented a structure of flexible/mobile interacting research groups.

We continue to develop our experimental labs and facilities and carefully recruit new staff with expertise complementary to our strategic research directions. This development directly supports the delivery of University strategies - namely, ‘Investing in our staff’, ‘Growing capacity and influence’ and ‘Raising standards and aspirations’.

Our researchers collaborate in the following main fields: quantum and nano-engineering, high-frequency solid state physics, novel functional materials, and physics of complex systems.

Building on our traditional strength in fundamental physics, we are addressing the UK Grand Challenges summarised in the HM Government Industrial Strategy. Our most significant contributions impact the areas “AI & Data Economy” and “Clean growth” through our research and innovations in 2D and van der Waals materials, novel devices for energy harvesting, spintronics, high-frequency electronics, novel computing and artificial intelligence.