Our data

Throughout our REC work, a significant amount of data relating to staff and students has been considered.

Analysis of the data has allowed a greater understanding of racial inequalities that exist across campus and impact upon both staff and students. This has been integral to developing greater understanding and the identification and agreement of actions that need to occur to enable progress towards racial equity.

In addition to work to interrogate quantitative data, we also carried out staff and student surveys, analysed quantitative and qualitative data from these, and ran a number of staff and student focus groups. Further information on these, as well as key findings and associated actions can be found within the REC submission.

Data below presents an overview of some of the data within the REC submission.

The following data is shown by racialised group, wherever possible. In some instances (due to smaller numbers) the data is aggregated and the data for Black, Asian and other minority ethnicities is shown collectively in a BAME grouping. We acknowledge that presenting data by BAME/white staff does not acknowledge the gaps that might be present between people of different races and ethnicities. Data is only shown in this way where it is strictly necessary, to ensure we are acting within GDPR laws.

Populations by racialised groups

Chart showing the breakdown of racialised groups our of a total of 3,659 people (for 2019/20)
White - 3034 | 82.9%, Asian - 371 | 10.1%, Black - 72 | 2%, Mixed - 61 | 1.7%, Other - 42 | 1.1%, Unknown / Refused - 78 | 2.1%
Populations by racialised groups (out of 3,659)
3,034 371 72 61 42 78
82.9% 10.1% 2% 1.7% 1.1% 2.1%

Grades 6 - 9 by racialised group

Chart with blocks of colour showing percentage of racialised groups at grades 6-9
White - 1594 | 80.4%, Asian - 247 | 12.5%, Black - 37 | 1.8%, Mixed - 38 | 1.9%, Other - 29 | 1.4%, Unknown/Refused - 38 | 1.4%
Grades 6-9 by racialised groups (out of 1,982)
1,594 247 37 38 29 38
80.4% 12.5% 1.8% 1.9% 1.4% 1.9%

Grades 1-5 by racialised group

A coloured bar to show racialised groups for grades 1-5
White 1,339, 87.2%, Asian 115, 7.5%, Black 29 1.9%, Mixed 21, 1.4%, Other 12, 0.8%, Unknown/refused 20, 1.3%
Grades 1-5 by racialised groups (out of 1,535)
1,339 115 29 21 12 20
87.2% 7.5% 1.9% 1.4% 0.8% 1.3%

Grade 9 by BAME/White

A colour bar chart to show the percentage of white and BAME grade 9 staff.
White 195, 85% | BAME 31, 13.2% | Unknown/refused 9, 2.3%
Grade 9 by BAME/White (out of 235)
195 31 9
83% 13.2% 3.8%

Populations by professional and academic services

Professional service staff across the University

White 1,923 | 86.9%, Asian 154 | 6.9%, Black 41 | 1.9%, Mixed 35 | 1.6%, Other 11 | 0.5% and Unknown/refused 49 | 2.2%
Professional Service staff across the University (out of 2,213)
1,923 154 41 35 11 49
86.9% 6.9% 1.9% 1.6% 0.5% 2.2%

夜色直播app, Teaching and Enterprise staff across the University

White 1,111 | 76.8%, Asian 217 | 15%, Black 31 | 2.1%, Mixed 27 | 1.9%, Other 31 | 2.1%, Unknown/refused 29 | 2.0%
RTE, 夜色直播app and Teaching staff across the University (out of 1,446)
1,111 217 31 27 31 29
76.8% 15% 2.1% 1.9% 2.1% 2.0%


Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader, Professor

Shortlisted from Applied

A chart with colour blocks to show shortlisted from applied percentages for academic recruitment.
White 8.57%, Asian or Asian British 7.33%, Black or Black British 3.36%, Mixed 4.6%, Other Ethnic Groups 3.69% and Unknown 3.09%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
8.57% 7.33% 3.36% 4.6% 3.69% 3.09%

Offered from Shortlisted

A chart with coloured bars to show the offered from shortlisted percentages for academic recruitment.
White 38.6%, Asian or Asian British 26.69%, Black or Black British 30.77%, Mixed 27.78%, Other Ethnic Groups 33.33% and Unknown 30%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
38.6% 26.69% 30.77% 27.78% 33.33% 30%

Accepted from Offered

A chart with coloured bars to show the accepted from offered percentages for academic recruitment. White 85.06%, Asian or Asian British 79.37%, Black or Black British 87.5%, Mixed 80%, Other Ethnic Groups 80% and Unknown 33.33%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
85.06% 79.37% 87.5% 80% 80% 33.33%


Shortlisted from Applied

A chart with colour blocks to show shortlisted from applied percentages for research recruitment. White 27.1%, Asian or Asian British 17.47%, Black or Black British 10.54%, Mixed 12.87%, Other Ethnic Groups 15.51% and Unknown 14.61%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
27.1% 17.47% 10.54% 12.87% 15.51% 14.61%

Offered from Shortlisted

A chart with colour blocks to show offered from shortlisted percentages for research recruitment. White 55.86%, Asian or Asian British 42.12%, Black or Black British 42.22%, Mixed 40%, Other Ethnic Groups 31.58% and Unknown 46.88%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
55.86% 42.12% 42.22% 40% 31.58% 46.88%

Accepted from Offered

A chart with colour blocks to show accepted from offered percentages for academic recruitment. White 97.04%, Asian or Asian British 88.96%, Black or Black British 94.74%, Mixed 92.86%, Other Ethnic Groups 91.67% and Unknown 86.67%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
97.04% 88.96% 94.74% 92.86% 91.67% 86.67%

Professional Services staff

Shortlisted from Applied

A chart with colour blocks to show shortlisted from applied percentages for professional service recruitment. White 25.39%, Asian or Asian British 13.82%, Black or Black British 17.62%, Mixed 16.74%, Other Ethnic Groups 11.7% and Unknown 16.97%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
25.39% 13.82% 17.62% 16.74% 11.7% 16.97%

Offered from Shortlisted

A chart with colour blocks to show shortlisted from applied percentages for professional service recruitment. White 42.67%, Asian or Asian British 31.38%, Black or Black British 39.64%, Mixed 46.02%, Other Ethnic Groups 27.27% and Unknown 29.79%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
42.67% 31.38% 39.64% 46.02% 27.27% 29.79%

Accepted from Offered

A chart with colour blocks to show accepted from offered percentages for professional service recruitment. White 92.96%, Asian or Asian British 90%, Black or Black British 89.55%, Mixed 96.15%, Other Ethnic Groups 66.67% and Unknown 71.43%
WhiteAsian or Asian BritishBlack or Black BritishMixedOther Ethnic GroupsUnknown
92.96% 90% 89.55% 96.15% 66.67% 71.43%

Staff promotions by BAME/White compared to population

3 year average data 2017/18 - 2019/20.

Thee circular charts with colour bars to so percent of promotions and percent of population for promotion to senior lecturer, promotion to reader and promotion to professor.

Student population


Chart with blocks of colour showing percentage of student population - UK
White: UG 8,988 | 74.9%, PGT 852 | 73.4%, PGR 400 | 82.1%
Asian (excluding Chinese): UG 1,227 |10.2%, PGT 105 | 9%, PGR 23 | 4.7%
Chinese: UG 123 | 1%, PGT 17 | 1.5%, PGR 9 | 1.18%
Black: UG 846 | 7%, PGT 97 | 8.4%, PGR 16 | 3.3%
Mixed: UG 641 | 5.3%, PGT 50 | 4.3%, PGR 20 | 4.1%
Other: UG 94 | 0.8%, PGT 12 | 1%, PGR 6 | 1.2%
Unknown/refused: UG 84 | 0.7%, PGT 28 | 2.4%, PGR 13 | 2.7%
 WhiteAsian Exc. ChineseChineseBlackMixedOtherUnknown/refused
UG 8,988 1,227 123 846 641 94 84
74.9% 10.2% 1% 7% 5.3% 0.8% 0.7%
PGT 852 105 17 97 50 12 28
73.4% 9% 1.5% 8.4% 4.3% 1% 2.4%
PGR 400 23 9 16 20 6 13
82.1% 4.7% 1.8% 3.3% 4.1% 1.2% 2.7%

EU and International

Chart with blocks of colour showing percentage of student population - EU and International
White: UG 757 | 40.8%, PGT 191 | 9.1%, PGR 134 | 32.4%
Asian (excluding Chinese): UG 419 | 22.6%, PGT 258 | 12.3%, PGR 56 | 13.6%
Chinese: UG 331 | 17.8%, PGT 1,488 | 70.7%, PGR 119 | 28.8%
Black: UG 141 | 7.6%, PGT 80 | 3.8%, PGR 36 | 8.7%
Mixed: UG 114 | 6.1%, PGT 22 | 1%, PGR 13 | 3.1%
Other: UG 76 | 4.1%, PGT 39 | 1.9%, PGR 39 | 9.4%
Unknown: UG 18 | 1%, PGT 27 | 1.3%, PGR 16 | 3.9%
 WhiteAsian Exc. ChineseChineseBlackMixedOtherUnknown/refused
UG 757 419 331 141 114 76 18
40.8% 22.6% 17.8% 7.6% 6.1% 4.1% 1%
PGT 191 258 1,488 81 22 39 27
9.1% 12.3% 70.7% 3.8% 1% 1.9% 1.3%
PGR 134 56 119 36 13 39 16
32.4% 13.6% 28.8% 8.7% 3.1% 9.4% 3.9%

Undergraduate attainment

% of students graduating with a 1st or 2:1.

3 year average, all UG students including EU/INT.

White 7,220 | 89%, Asian 1,189 | 77%, Black 535 | 73%, Other 82 | 74%, Unkown 161, 39%
7,220 1,189 535 82 161
89% 77% 73% 74% 39%

Student withdrawals

White 337 | 2.2%, Asian 76 | 2.5%, Black 59 | 4.1%, Mixed 37 | 3.4%, Other 11 | 4.6%, Unknown 7 | 4.6%
3 year average - total
337 76 59 37 11 7
2.2% 2.5% 4.1% 3.4% 4.6% 4.6%