
Performance and Development Review

PDR Reviewees

After your meeting

Once all of the PDRs within your School/Professional Service are completed, the steps below take place to conclude the PDR process.

Senior Reviewer Group

Each School/Professional Service has a Senior Reviewer Group (SRG), appointed by the Dean/Director, who oversee the process and summarise the outcomes and actions required. They are also required to allocate Reviewers to Reviewees, where the line manager is not conducting the PDR.

As a Reviewee it is important to have an awareness of the membership of your SRG and their key responsibilities. These have been summarised for you below.

Your SRG will:

• Meet during April each year, following completion of all PDRs in your school.

• Ensure there is broad consistency and fairness across the School/Professional Service.

• Review and discuss the reasons for any potential disagreements within PDR meetings.

For more information please visit the 'Senior Reviewer Group' section of this website.

Interim PDR

It is recommended as best practice that at least one interim review is carried out per year, between Reviewers and Reviewees. This will allow you to discuss progress towards objectives, as well as ensuring the objectives are still valid and reasonable.

Ongoing feedback

PDR should be an on-going process so it is recommended that all Reviewees gather feedback throughout the year. This might be from your immediate team, from colleagues working within a different area of the organisation, students or other external stakeholders. Collating feedback throughout the year will aid your preparation for your next PDR.