Postnatal weight loss support at child immunisations

Feasibility and acceptability of a brief weight management intervention for postnatal women embedded within child immunisation appointments

Although women and practice nurses responded well to the intervention and adherence to self-weighing was high, recruitment was challenging and there is scope to improve engagement with the intervention

The research involved a randomised controlled feasibility trial and semi-structured interview studies with intervention participants (overweight women) and practice nurses who delivered the intervention. The intervention group were offered brief support that encouraged self-management of weight when they attended their practice to have their child immunised. The intervention involved nurses encouraging participants to self-monitor their weight and signposting them to an online weight management programme. Women were asked to weigh themselves weekly and record this. The usual-care group received a healthy lifestyle leaflet.

What next?

We plan to conduct a larger trial to investigate whether offering postnatal women a brief weight loss intervention at their child immunisation appointments helps them to lose weight.

Citation details

Daley AJ, Jolly K, Ives N, Jebb SA, Tearne S, Greenfield SM, Yardley L, Little P, Tyldesley-Marshall N, Bensoussane H, Pritchett RV, Frew E, Parretti HM. Practice nurse-supported weight self-management delivered within the national child immunisation programme for postnatal women: a feasibility cluster RCT. Health Technol Assess. 2021. DOI: .

Tyldesley-Marshall N, Greenfield SM, Parretti HM, Jolly K, Jebb S, Daley AJ. The experiences of postnatal women and healthcare professionals of a brief weight management intervention embedded within the national child immunisation programme. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2021. DOI: .

Daley AJ, Jolly K, Bensoussane H, Ives N, Jebb SA, Tearne S, Greenfield SM, Yardley L, Little P, Tyldesley-Marshall N, Pritchett RV, Frew E, Parretti HM. Feasibility and acceptability of a brief routine weight management intervention for postnatal women embedded within the national child immunisation programme in primary care: randomised controlled cluster feasibility trial. Trials. 2020. DOI: . 


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Our researchers

Amanda Daley

Professor Amanda Daley

Professor of Behavioural Medicine, Centre Director