夜色直播app showcase

Highlights of the recognition and reach of the Emergent Photonics 夜色直播app Centre.

Our research is widely published in the most prestigious journals, and we are invited to present our findings at conferences worldwide. In 2022, our Director was elected as an Optica Fellow, acknowledging his contribution to advances in the field of optics.

Concurrent Terahertz Generation via Quantum Interference in a Quadratic Media

Coming soon!

This article will be published imminently in Advanced Optical Materials.

Terahertz Nonlinear Ghost Imaging via Plane Decomposition: Toward Near-Field Micro-Volumetry

This open access article investigates the capability of the time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging (TNGI) methodology to implement field-sensitive micro-volumetry by plane decomposition.

Published in ACS Photonics, March 2023

Advanced Photonics Congress, Maastricht

In July 2022, members of the team presented a range of research at the Congress:

  • Frequency control of Laser Cavity Solitons for metrological applications - Antonio Cutrona
  • Terahertz 3D micro-tomography via time-resolved nonlinear ghost imaging - Dr Luana Olivieri
  • Deterministic Terahertz wave control in complex media - Vivek Kumar
  • Spatiotemporal superfocusing of ultrafast Terahertz waves in complex media - Vittorio Cecconi

High parametric efficiency in laser cavity-soliton microcombs

Published in Optics Express, October 2022

UK National Quantum Technologies Showcase

We revealed our resilient, set-and-forget solution to keep the next generation of atomic clock ticking.

Queen Elizabeth II Centre in London
Friday 11 November, 2022

Self-emergence of robust solitons in a micro-cavity

This open access article details how we overcame a major obstacle in the development of portable atomic clocks - namely, how to reliably activate their counting device and keep it running.

It was published in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Sussex, City University of Hong Kong, the Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (China), Swinburne University of Technology (Australia), the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS, Canada), and the University of Strathclyde.

Published in Nature, August 2022

Centre Director elected as Optica Fellow

Professor Marco Peccianti was among the 2022 cohort, elected to Optica’s prestigious Fellows for sustained pioneering contributions in the field of optical complexity and the development of novel terahertz applications based on ultrafast nonlinear photonics.

The number of elected Fellows does not exceed 10% of the total number of Optica members across the globe, and the number of members elected each year is only about 0.5% of the current total. 

Formerly OSA, Optica is a professional international authority in the field of optics in the United States.