Dr Iain Atack

IAS Spotlight Series: Pacifism and Nonviolence

Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

Iain Atack is Assistant Lecturer in International Peace Studies in the School of Religion, Trinity College Dublin. He is the author of Nonviolence in Political Theory (2012) and The Ethics of Peace and War (2005), both published by Edinburgh University Press.


He is a board member of Action from Ireland (Afri), a campaigning and educational NGO, and a board member of Peace Brigades International (Ireland), supporting nonviolent protective accompaniment for human rights defenders globally. He is currently writing a book on Nonviolence, Political Power and Social Change for McGill-Queen’s University Press. His research interests include the ethics and politics of nonviolence and pacifism.

He has also worked on First Nations issues with Canadian Friends Service Committee and in Sri Lanka with Quaker Peace and Service (now Quaker Peace and Social Witness). Recent book chapters and journal articles include “Tolstoy’s Pacifism and the Critique of State Violence”, “Nonviolence in International Relations”, “Civil Society and Nonviolent Political Action in Northern Ireland” and “Pacifism and Perpetual Peace”.

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