Professor Mona Lilja

IAS Spotlight Series: Pacifism and Nonviolence

University of Gothenburg

Mona Lilja currently serves as the Professor in Peace and Development ҹɫֱ²¥app at the School of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Lilja's area of interest is the concepts of power and resistance with special focus upon the linkages between resistance and social change as well as the particularities – the character and emergence – of various forms of resistance. In focus are the discourses, performances and identities created by those engaged in resistance practices. What relationships enable or constrain articulations of resistance?

Lilja’s publications on Resistance have, among other things, appeared in Resistance Studies Magazine, NORMA, NORA, Journal of Political Power, Signs, Asian Perspectives, Feminist Review and in the monograph Constructive Resistance: repetitions, emotions and time (Rowman & Littlefield), as well as in a number of edited books. Lilja is also a co-founder of the Resistance Studies Network.

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