Professor Xuesong Wang

IAS Annual Theme: AI:Facts, Fictions, Futures

Tongji University, China

Prof Xuesong Wang is a professor of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University, Executive Director of the Joint International 夜色直播app Laboratory of Transportation Safety, Associate Director of Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering-China Ministry of Education, and Associate Director of the Engineering 夜色直播app Center of Road Traffic Safety and Environment Engineering-China Ministry of Education.

Prof Wang鈥檚 main expertise is in the areas of traffic safety planning, safety evaluation of roadway design, traffic safety management, driving behavior analysis, vehicle active safety. He is a member of editorial board of Accident Analysis & Prevention, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security.

Dr Wang has published more than 250 papers on academic journals and conferences. He has managed more than 60 scientific research projects. Earlier in his career, Dr Wang has his PhD in Transportation Engineering from the University of Central Florida. In 2015, he was awarded as the outstanding young researcher by the Chinese National Science Foundation.

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