Professor Timothy D Mickleborough

IAS Annual Theme: Breathe

Indiana University

My main research focus is integrative (whole-body) human exercise physiology; in particular the interactions between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems in health and disease, with emphasis on intervention studies in healthy trained/untrained individuals, the pathophysiology of respiratory disorders in athletes such as asthma and expiratory flow limitation, and the potential cardiorespiratory limitations to exercise tolerance and performance.

夜色直播app related to respiratory muscle function is directed at the respiratory system determinants of fatigue in health and disease and encompasses respiratory and circulatory mechanics, neurophysiology, muscle physiology, perception of effort and biochemistry.  An additional research interest is assessing the relative contributions of central and peripheral factors in human muscle fatigue, and the physiological basis for pacing strategies, during exercise.

IAS 夜色直播app Seminar