Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Typical External 夜色直播app Projects

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LMCC has five field emission gun scanning electron microscopes including an environmental scanning electron microscope. Each system has its benefits, we have the capability to carry out high resolution imaging using In-Lens detectors, variable pressure, energy dispersive spectroscopy and Electron Backscatter Diffraction.

Typical Projects

The team within LMCC can carry out the analysis on your behalf. If you would like frequent access to a scanning electron microscope during your research project, we can provide training to enable you to operate the microscope yourself.

Outstanding Imaging Capabilities

Across our suite of scanning electron microscopes we have outstanding imaging capabilities. We can advise on the best system for your application

Automated Mapping

Automated mapping can be carried out using a range of detectors.

Electron Backscatter Diffraction

Our high speed CMOS EBSD detector allows EBSD analysis over large areas.

Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)

Our high speed detectors enable efficient EDS analysis. We also have the capability to carry out combined EDS and EBSD.

Particle Analysis

Automated particle analysis can be carried out using a range of detectors include EDS.

Correlative Analysis

Correlative SEM analysis to hardness mapping and 碌XRF can be carried out at LMCC.

Interested in accessing a Scanning Electron Microscope? Talk to Us

If you are intrested in using our facilities to maximise your research we would be delighted to help. Email or phone with the specific details and we will be more than happy to arrange a 1-1 meeting.

01509 228574