Communications, Security and Networks

Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) demand ever more complex systems to support and control them.

We have made significant progress in developing systems that support collision avoidance even at high speeds in environments where multiple objects are moving erratically.

By modelling interactions between road users and their environment we are able to reduce uncertainty and support the decision-making process – making autonomous vehicles safer and more reliable whatever the driving environment presents.

Communications and networks

Our research covers all aspects of networking and communicating systems, from the underlying mathematical theory to practical creation and operation of networked systems, with specific focus on issues related to Internet and control, data centre networks, edge/fog networks, network resilience, network performance modelling and measurement, performance evaluation with Quality of Service (QoS) constraints and application performance investigation.


As vehicles become more connected and autonomous, they become more vulnerable to potential cyberattack. We have more than a decade’s experience developing intelligent networks to ensure their reliability and security – futureproofing systems and safeguarding against this kind of malpractice. We are applying our expertise in network defence, privacy protection and secure data storage and access to vehicle cyber security, and our current research in this area focuses on anomaly detection in CAVs, spanning:

  • intrusion detection for vehicular ad-hoc networks
  • vehicle system attack detection
  • data analysis to verify the integrity of the CAV environment
  • verification of critical actions and manoeuvres

Leading Group

Networks and System ҹɫֱ²¥app Theme (NetSys)