An Open 夜色直播apper and Contributor ID, or ORCID, is a unique identifier which you can use to ensure that your work is associated with you. ORCIDs are used by an increasing number of researchers, funders, and publishers.

Why get an ORCID

  • It will be easier for you to get credit for all your work and to be identified as the author.
  • ORCIDs are free, quick, and easy to set up and they go with you for the whole of your academic career. They are independent of the University.
  • Many funders and publishers now mandate ORCIDs.
  • Having an ORCID helps to promote your research.
  • An ORCID makes it easier to share information about your research activities between services and systems.

Get started

  1. Register for an ORCID ID via  (using your University username and password) to automatically link your ORCID record with your LUPIN profile
  2. In the 'My Actions' list, click on 'Add your ORCID to help us find your publications across the web'
  3. Click on 'Register' and complete the online form

For further information on adding items to your ORCID record go to the .