Dr Iain Coyne

BSc (Hons), PhD Hull

  • Reader in Organisational Psychology
  • Programme Lead for MSc Business Psychology and MSc Work Psychology

Expertise: selection and assessment; productive and counterproductive work behaviour; bullying/cyberbullying at work

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Currently, Dr Coyne is a Guest Consultant Editor for the BPS Test Reviews and co-leader for the Dignity and Respect at Work Intervention Group (DRAWING). Previously, he was Senior Editor for the British Psychological Society (BPS) Test Reviews, a member of the BPS Committee on Test Standards (2011-2016), an elected member of the Management Committee for a European COST Action on Cyber-bullying (2008-2012) and a council member of the International Test Commission (2002-2008).

Iain’s current research focusses on selection and assessment, productive and counterproductive work behaviour and bullying/cyberbullying at work. This work has included producing guidelines for internet testing, considering the role of industry in cyberbullying, development of scales and validation of scales, assessing the equivalence of a voluntary workplace behaviour scale across European countries and the impact of cyberbullying on well-being.

  • Guest Consultant Editor for the BPS Test Reviews
  • Co-leader of the Dignity and Respect at Work Intervention Group (DRAWING)
  • Coyne, I. J., Gopaul, A-M., Campbell, M., Pankász, A., Garland, R., & Cousans, F. (2017). Bystander responses to bullying at work: The role of mode, type and relationship to target. Journal of Business Ethics, Online First. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-017-3692-2.
  • Coyne, I. J., Farley, S., Axtell, C., Sprigg, C. A., Best, L., Kwok, O. (2017). Understanding the relationship between experiencing workplace cyberbullying, employee mental strain and job satisfaction: A dysempowerment approach, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(7), 945-972.
  • Longo, Y., Coyne, I.J., Joseph, S. (2017). The Scales of General Well-Being (SGWB), Personality and Individual Differences, 109, 148-159.
  • Farley, S., Coyne, I. J., Axtell, C., Sprigg, C. (2016). Design, development and validation of the workplace cyberbullying measure (WCM), Work and Stress, 30(4), 293-317.
  • Greenidge, D., & Coyne, I. (2014). Job stressors and voluntary work behaviours: mediating effect of emotion and moderating roles of personality and emotional intelligence. Human Resource Management Journal, 24(4), 479-495.