Dr Virginie Lavoye


Pronouns: She/her
  • Lecturer in Marketing

Expertise: digital marketing and sustainability.

Please call the press office on 01509 223491 to arrange an interview with Dr Virginie Lavoye. Bookings can also be made online at .

夜色直播app interests

Dr Lavoye’s research relates to consumer behaviour and human-computer interactions.

She studies how online shopping experiences facilitate consumer decision-making, why augmented reality improves decision-making and brand experiences, and how to nudge consumers toward sustainable consumption.

Her current research focuses on the impact of augmented reality to encourage sustainable purchases.

Key publications

Lavoye, V., Mero, J., & Tarkiainen, A. (2021). Consumer behavior with augmented reality in retail: a review and research agenda. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer 夜色直播app, 31(3), 299-329.

Lavoye, V., Sipilä, J., Mero, J., & Tarkiainen, A. (2023). The emperor’s new clothes: self-explorative engagement in virtual try-on service experiences positively impacts brand outcomes. Journal of Services Marketing, 37(10), 1-21.

Lavoye, V., Tarkiainen, A., Sipilä, J., & Mero, J. (2023). More than skin-deep: The influence of presence dimensions on purchase intentions in augmented reality shopping. Journal of Business 夜色直播app, 169, 114247.