Chris Wilson

  • Doctoral ҹɫֱ²¥apper

Chris has a background in automotive engineering and research having previously worked for Jaguar Land Rover. Chris completed his undergraduate degree in Industrial Design (BSc) from the University of Hertfordshire and worked and studied in Michigan during a study abroad year where he achieved two patents for a low-cost vehicle concept.

Chris’ PhD involves studying the ergonomic and user experience requirements for autonomous vehicles and is sponsored by Nissan Technical Centre Europe.


Automotive engineering, vehicle ergonomics, user experience, industrial design.

Thesis title: Re-inventing the journey experience: ‘life on board’ the autonomous vehicle of the future.

Autonomous vehicles provide scope to re-invent and improve the journey experience, but there are significant engineering challenges. The human-centred questions of driving automation have not been sufficiently investigated and there is a demand for human-centred knowledge focusing on the diverse needs of occupants for work, leisure, health and well-being; interactions and non-driving tasks; and design innovations to support requirements for future automated vehicles.

Supervisors: Professor Diane Gyi and Professor Andrew Morris.