Safety and Wellbeing Thames Tideway

Project timeframe
ҹɫֱ²¥app area
Complex Systems
Amount awarded
Funder ID
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH)

Project leader: Professor Roger Haslam

Most occupational safety and health (OSH) studies, particularly in construction, involve either cross-sectional research – ‘snapshots’ in time that provide only a limited picture of the situation being studied – or retrospective (looking back) research that relies heavily on peoples’ recollections of the past.

In contrast, our Tideway tracer research project offered a unique opportunity to study OSH practices on a major infrastructure project ‘in-flight’. The research was funded by IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Health), the world’s biggest professional health and safety membership organisation. The focus of our research was the initial phases of the ‘Tideway’ project in London, which is constructing a 25 kilometre sewer tunnel under the River Thames.