Professor Alexandra Stolzing


  • Professor of Biogerontological Engineering

夜色直播app interests

  • stem cell aging & stem cell function in aging
  • interface of immunology and stem cell function
  • cellular pathology in age-related neurodegeneration & Alzheimer’s Disease
  • improving cryopreservation of cells & tissues
  • inducing pluripotency & partial reprogramming
  • improving stem cell function in vivo
  • automated systems for cell & tissue production
  • quality control assays for aged cells
  • delivery tools for cell-based therapies

Regenerative medicine

My work covers the biology of ageing and regeneration with a particular focus on regenerative and cellular medicine. In previous studies, I have been able to demonstrate that adult stem cells are subject to aging restrictions in vivo and in vitro, calling into question a number of proposed therapies for autologous tissue engineering and drawing attention to the role of adult stem cells in age-related disability.


I have developed novel solutions of cryopreserving stem cells for later therapeutic use especially in the elderly where the toxicity of current cryoprotectants is a particular concern. A current research interest is the study of plant derived anti-freeze proteins (AFP) and their use in cryopreservation.

Exercise is medicine

We are investigating the effect of oxidative, mechanical and other stress factors on cell health and function. We aim to investigate how exercise can present a 'healthy' form of intermittent stress that stimulates tissue stem cells. This concept of 'hormesis' has become an important strand in the biology of ageing and this work will help to elucidate the role of mesenchymal stem cells in sports-related hormesis and may help to inform current discussions regarding the role of intermittent high-effect exercise versus long-term low impact exercise, especially in the elderly.

Aging = Inflammaging

I am studying the relation between sports nutrition, and whether particular nutritional regimes or supplements aimed at reducing inflammatory and oxidative stresses should be adjusted in light of insights regarding the 'stimulus' effect that certain stressors, including exercise, can have dependent on age, training status and exercise goals.