Professor Bob Young

BSc PhD MIMechE CEng

  • Visiting Professor

夜色直播app groups and centres


  • B.Sc 1st class honours in Mechanical Engineering at Dundee University and PhD from 夜色直播app in Manufacturing Planning in Product Model Environments. 
  • Some 30 years experience in product design and manufacturing engineering, working both in UK industry and in academia. 
  • 夜色直播app over the last 30 years has focused on manufacturing informatics with particular emphases on issues concerning improved methods and tools for information and knowledge sharing across product design and manufacturing systems.

夜色直播app interests and activities

  • Product Lifecycle Management
  • Manufacturing Knowledge and Information Infrastructures
  • Manufacturing Knowledge Sharing, Integration and Interoperability

External activities

  • Journal editorial board member: International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management.
  • Professional affiliation: MIMechE
  • Keynote papers: International Conference on Manufacturing 夜色直播app, Cranfield 2005;
  • the XI International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, ENEGEP, Porto Alegre 2005;
  • the XII international SOMIM conference, Acapulco, 2006.
  • Scientific committees: CERA, ICMR, PLM and TMCE

Invited papers: December 2013 – Invited presentation on ICT in Manufacturing at PUCPR, Curitiba, Brazil

July 2011 - Invited presentations on Manufacturing Information Management at the Universidade de Caxias do Sul(UCS),Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

April 2011 – Invited presentation at the Centre for Design and Manufacture at UNAM, Mexico on design teaching and manufacturing systems research.

June 2010 Invited presentation to ISO TC184 SC4 future architectures meeting - "Taking SC4 EXPRESS standards into Common logic concepts".

  • the first Manufacturing Data Technology Conference, Stockholm, 2005
  • Leadership and Advisory Roles: 
  • Director of TANet: TANet is a unique network of co-operating Universities, Technology Centres and Key Business Partners providing support for the SME Manufacturing sector for the UK.
  • Academic Lead for INTEROP-VLab TG11: TG11 is a combined academic and industry group with some 30 members within the European INTEROP-VLab concerned with achieving improved Manufacturing Enterprise Interoperability. The INTEROP-VLab is the "International Virtual Laboratory for Enterprise Interoperability" which acts as a centre for excellence in Enterprise Interoperability with members from across the EU and China.
  • member of the International Standards Organisation sub-committee concerned with developing standards for industrial product data (ISO TC184 SC4), Member of British Standards Institute Advanced Manufacturing Technology Committee (4) (AMT/4)
  • Journal referee: IJIM, IMechE part B, IJPR, IJCIM and IJPPC.
  • Collaborative 夜色直播app: 
    • Leader of the EU FP7-2013-NMP-ICT-FOF (RTD) FLEXINET Project 608627 (2013 – 2016)
    • Co-investigator on EPSRC funded project “Knowledge Driven Configurable Manufacturing (KDCM)” (2013 – 2018)
    • Principal Investigator on EPSRC funded project “Manufacturing knowledge maintenance and re-use” as part of the SAMULET project 5.6 programme (2009 – 2012)
    • Principal Investigator on Rolls-Royce funded project “extension to SAMULET project 5.6 programme” (2011  - 2012)
    • Principal Investigator on Rolls-Royce funded project “Manufacturing Ontology” as part of SAMULET project 3.7 programme (2010 – 2011)
    • Principal Investigator on EPSRC funded project entitled “Interoperable Manufacturing Knowledge Systems (IMKS)” (2008 – 2011)
    • Co-investigator on EPSRC funded project entitled “Business Driven Automation” (2008 – 2011)
    • Task leader in EPSRC/ESRC funded grand challenge entitled “Immortal information and knowledge: strategies and tools for the emerging product-service business paradigm” (2005 – 2008); 
    • Partner representative for EU FP7 project entiled “Supporting highlY-adaptive Network Enterprise collaboration thRouGh semanticallY-enabled knowledge services (SYNERGY)” (2008 – 2011). 
    • Principal investigator on BAESystems funded programme entitled “Ground Work on Approaches to AV Inter-operability” 2005. 
    • Principal investigator on Rolls-Royce funded programme entitled “Standard Features and Information Contexts“ 2005. 
    • Principal investigator on EPSRC funded programme entitled “Cross-disciplinary communication language for supply chain management » 2003 - 2005
    • Investigator on EPSRC funded programme entitled “Knowledge Representation and Re-use for Predictive Design and Manufacturing Evaluation” 2003 - 2006


  • 2004: Royal Academy of Engineering Industrial Secondment to Rolls-Royce