Rhianna Garrett announced EDI Champion at the 夜色直播app PhD Awards 2022

Geography and Environment Doctoral 夜色直播apper, Rhianna Garrett was presented with the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion award during the recent PhD awards at 夜色直播app.

Rhianna is currently a first-year Doctoral 夜色直播apper and her PhD focuses on the career trajectories of UK racialised minority staff and alumni in higher education institutions. Alongside her research, Rhianna's work concerns itself with anti-racist and intersectional approaches that empower racialised minority staff and students in the higher educational environment, working towards spaces of resistance and of care.

Have a look at her list of recent achievements below:

  • Created and now facilitates 夜色直播app’s first Freedom School - a creative educational space for BAME students to learn about decolonial, post-colonial and anti-racist knowledge, pressing for the payment of BAME students for their time and efforts in EDI work.
  • Presented her activism work at international conferences discussing founding and chairing her student-led anti racism project 'Active Together'
  • Was voted onto the board of trustees and newly appointed to the EDI sub-committee, and fighting for race equity to be a main concern within student politics
  • Was part of the committee that organised and facilitated the event 'From a PhD to a Career' which had an EDI focus
  • Plays an integral part of the BAME Doctoral 夜色直播apper's Consortium.

For anyone that would like to be part of the BAME Doctoral 夜色直播apper’s Consortium, please contact Rhianna directly here.

Are you interested in studying a PhD in Geography and Environment? Find out more information here.