SSEHS PGR Professional Development Series: Public engagement and communicating your research

  • 25 January 2022
  • 11am-12:30pm
  • Online

This event will cover the following topics, provided by our panel, including Dr Kris Clements, Mrs Alison Stanley and Dr Ash Casey:

  • Involving the public in research, from ideas generation to input whilst conducting a study – Alison and Kris will share examples and provide tips on good practice.
  • Public dissemination, communicating your research findings – Ash will share advice on how to widely disseminate your research, from strategically choosing journals with good ‘after care’, to sharing findings on social media (Twitter).

There will be plenty of time during the session for you to ask the panel questions.

Contact and booking details

Booking required?
Booking information
This free event is open to all doctoral researchers in the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences.