Hate crime in football: Academic publications

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Doidge, M., Kossakowski, R. and Mintert, S. (2020) Ultras: The Passion and Performance of
Contemporary Football Fandom. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Doidge, M. and Saini, R. (2020) The Short Guide to Sociology. Bristol: Policy Press.
Doidge, M., Keech, M. and Sandri, E. (2020) ‘Active Integration’: Sport taking an active role in the
integration of refugees, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(2): 305-319.
Doidge, M. and Sandri, E. (2019) ‘Friends that last a lifetime’: The importance of emotions
amongst volunteers working with refugees in Calais’ British Journal of Sociology, 70(2):
Doidge, M., Claus, R., Gabler, J., Irving, R., Millward, P. and Silvério, J. (2019) The impact of
international football events on local, national and transnational fan cultures: a critical
overview. Soccer & Society, 20(5): 711-720.
Cleland, J., Doidge, M., Millward, P., and Widdop, P. (2018) Collective Action and Football Fandom:
A Relational Sociological Approach. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Carter, T., Burdsey, D. and Doidge, M (Eds.) (2018) Transforming Sport: Knowledge, Structures,
Practice. London: Routledge.
Doidge, M. and Sandri, E. (2018) ‘Active Integration: Brighton Table Tennis Club, Refugee
Integration Project, Brighton: University of Brighton
Doidge, M. (2018) ‘Refugees United: the role of activism and football in supporting refugees’ in
Burdsey, D., Carter, T. and Doidge, M (Eds.) Transforming Sport: Knowledge, Structures,
Practice. London: Routledge.
Doidge, M and Lieser, M. (2018) The Ultras: the global development of a fan phenomenon (Sport
in Society Special Issue, Volume 21(7).
Doidge, M. and Lieser, M. (2018) ‘The importance of research on the Ultras: Introduction to the
Ultras Special Issue’ Sport in Society 21(7): 833-840.
Doidge, M (2018) “Either everyone was guilty or everyone was innocent”: The Italian Power Elite,
neopatrimonialism and maintenance of hegemony Journal of Sport and Social Issues,
pages 1-17, online first DOI: 10.1177/0193723517751606.
Doidge, M. (2017) ‘The Italian ultras: from local divisions to national co-operation’ in Garcia, B. and
Zheng, J. (Eds.) Whose game is it? Supporter activism and regulation in European football.
Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Doidge, M and Almedia, B. (2017) ‘From goalscorer to politician: Romário and football politics in
Brazil International Review for the Sociology of Sport 52(3) 263-278
Doidge, M., Farines, T., Spacey, G. and Juricic, T. (2016) Evidence submission to All
Parliamentary Group on Refugees – the role of sport in supporting refugees
Doidge, M. (2016) ‘Democracy and Supporter Ownership’ in Hughson, J. Maguire, J., Dixon, K.
and Spaaij, R. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook on Football Studies. London: Routledge.
Doidge, M. (2016) ‘Racism in European Football’ in Nauright, J. and Wiggins, D. (Eds.) The
Routledge Handbook on Race and Ethnicity in Sport. London: Routledge.
Doidge, M (2016) ‘What have the Germans Ever Done For Us’ in Perryman, M. (Ed.) 1966 and Not
All That. London: Repeater Books.
Doidge, M. (2015) Football Italia: Italian Football in an Age of Globalisation. London: Bloomsbury.
Twamley, K., Doidge, M., and Scott, A. (2015) Sociologists’ Tales: Contemporary Narratives on
Sociological Thought and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press.
Doidge, M (2015) “If you jump up and down, Balotelli dies”: Racism and Player Abuse in Italian
Football International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 50(2) 249-264.
Doidge, M. (2015) ‘Il calcio as a source of local and social identity in Italy’ in Merkel, U (ed.)
Identity Discourses and Communities in International Events, Festivals and Spectacles
London: Routledge.
Doidge, M. (2014) Anti-racism in European Football: Report to UEFA. Brighton: University of


Ratna, A. (2021) A National of Family and Friends: South Asian diasporic women, sport and leisure
cultures, Durham, Duke University Press (Women’s Studies series edited by Professor Inderpal Grewal).
Community Cougars Foundation and Ratna, A. (2019-2020) Project Evaluation of ‘Prevention of Serious
and Organised Crime’ (funded £52,000 by UK Home Office)
Ratna, A. (2019) ‘Hierarchical assemblages of citizenship and belonging: the pedestrian speech acts of firstgeneration
Gujarati Indian walkers’, Sociology, 54(1): 159-180.
Ratna, A. and Samie, S.F. (Eds.) (2018) Sport, Race and Gender: The politics of ethnic ‘other’ girls and
women, London: Routledge.
Thangaraj, S., Burdsey, B., Ratna, A., and Rand, E. (2018) ‘Leisure Cultures and G/local Challenges to
Nationalist Populist Politics’ Special Issue, Leisure Studies
Ratna, A. (2018) ‘Not just merely different: Travelling theories, post-feminism, and the racialized politics
of women of color’, Sociology of Sport Journal, 35(3): 197-206.
Ratna, A., Kola, A. and Dashper, K. (2017) ‘Exploring the identities of Indo-Muslims in South Africa: On
the hunt for national and social belonging’, Annals of Leisure 夜色直播app, 22(1): 5-21.
Ratna, A. (2017) ‘Walking to and from “home”: British Asian first generation citizens, translocal identities
and belonging’, Leisure Studies, 36(5): 618-632.
Ratna, A. (2017) ‘No racism here then? Wo/men’s football in the U.K. and the case of Eniola Aluko’,
Media Diversified, Writers of Color. Available at https://mediadiversified.org/2017/10/26/no-racism-herethen-
womens-football-in-the-uk-and-the-case-of-aniola-aluko/ (28th October).
Ratna, A. (2017) ‘Black Women, Black Voices: The contribution of a Spivakian and Black Feminist
Analysis to Studies of Sport and Leisure’ in J. Long, T. Fletcher, and B.Watson (eds.) Sport, Leisure and
Social Justice: London: Routledge: 153-167
Ratna, A., Lawrence, S., and Partington, J. (2015) ‘Getting Inside the Wicket: strategies for the social
inclusion of local, British Pakistani Muslim cricketers’, Journal of Policy 夜色直播app in Tourism, Leisure and
Events, 8(1): 1-17.
Ratna, A. (2014) ‘“Who are ya?” The National Identities and Belongings of British Asian Football Fans’,
Patterns of Prejudice: 48:3: 286-308.
Ratna, A. (2014) ‘British Asian Females and Football: Intersections of Identity’ in J. Hargreaves and E.
Andersen (eds.) Handbook of Sport, Gender and Sexualities, Oxon; New York: Routledge: 160-168.
Ratna, A. (2013) ‘Intersectional Plays of Identity: the experiences of British Asian Female Footballers’,
Sociological 夜色直播app Online, http://www.socresonline.org.uk/18/1/13.html
Velija, P., Ratna. A., Flintoff, A. (2012) ‘Exclusionary Power in Sports Organisations: The Merger between
the Women’s Cricket Association and the England and Wales Cricket Board’, International Review for the
Sociology of Sport, 49(2): 211-226.
Ratna, A. and Lashua, B. (Eds.) (2011) Community and Inclusion in Leisure 夜色直播app and Sport
Development, Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association.
Ratna, A. (2011) ‘“Who wants to make Aloo Gobi when you can Bend It Like Beckham?” British Asian
Females and their Racialised Experiences of Gender and Identity in Women’s Football’, Soccer and Society,
12(3): 381-400.
Ratna, A. (2011) ‘“Flying the Flag for England?” Multiculturalism, National Identity and the Social
Belongings of British Asian Female Football Players’ in D. Burdsey (ed.) New Perspectives on Football and
Race, London: Routledge: 117-130.
Watson, B., and Ratna, A. (2011) ‘Bollywood in the Park: Shifting Uses and Meanings of Public Leisure
Space’ in Leisure/Losir, Journal of the Canadian Association of Leisure Studies, 35(1): 71-85.
Ratna, A. (2010) ‘Taking the Power Back! The Politics of British Asian Female Football Players’,
Young,18(2): 117-132.