SSEHS published research – January 2022

To keep you up to date with the research taking place across the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, a list of recently published research will be shared on the News page of the School website each month.

If you would like to find out more about the research featured, or to collaborate with the authors featured, please find contact details on our staff profile pages

  • Watts DW; Cushion C; Cale L. (2021). Exploring professional coach educators’ realities, challenges and workplace relationships. Sport, Education and Society. DOI: 
  • Alhebshi A; Alsharif N; Thorley J; James L; Clifford T. (2021). The effects of dietary protein supplementation on exercise-induced inflammation and oxidative stress: a systematic review of human trials. Antioxidants. DOI:          
  • Cushion C. (2022). Changing police personal safety training using scenario-based-training: a critical analysis of the ‘dilemmas of practice’ impacting change. Frontiers in Education. DOI:        
  • Yu H, Wang J, Mao M, Song Q, Zhang C, Fong D, Sun W. (2021). Muscle co-contraction and pre-activation in knee and ankle joint during a typical Tai Chi brush-knee twist-step. ҹɫֱ²¥app in Sports Medicine. DOI:        
  • Purves RI, Critchlow N, Giulianotti R, Hunt K, Morrow S, Bancroft A. (2021). Sport fan attitudes on alcohol: Insights from a survey of football supporters in Scotland and England. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. DOI:       
  • Heaney L, Kang S, Turner M, Lindley M, Thomas P. (2022). The impact of a graded maximal exercise protocol on exhaled volatile organic compounds: a pilot study. Molecules. DOI: 
  • Begde A, Jain M, Hogervorst E, Wilcockson T. (2021). Does physical exercise improve the capacity for independent living in people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment: an overview of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Aging & Mental Health. DOI: 
  • OBrien T, Briley S, Mason B, Leicht C, Tolfrey K, Goosey-Tolfrey V. (2022). A high-intensity warm-up increases thermal strain but does not affect repeated sprint performance in athletes with a cervical spinal cord injury. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. DOI: 
  • Havins L, Capel A, Christie SD, Lewis MP, Roach P. (2021). Gradient biomimetic platforms for neurogenesis studies. Journal of Neural Engineering. DOI: 
  • Longman D, Merzbach V, Pinto JM, Atkinson LH, Wells JCK, Gordon D, Stock JT. (2022). Alternative metabolic strategies are employed by endurance runners of different body sizes; implications for human evolution. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology. DOI:      
  • Yusuf ZK, Mademilov M, Mirzalieva G, Orme MW, Bourne CLA, Sooronbaev T, Singh SJ, Malcolm D. (2021). Qualitative research capacity build-ing: Reflections from a UK-Kyrgyz Republic global partnership. Journal of Global Health. DOI:             
  • Kim S, Manoli E. (2021). Does relationship quality matter in policy-making? The impact of government-public relationships and residents’ perceptions on their support towards a mega-sport event. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. DOI:             
  • Spiliopoulou A; Witcomb G. (2022). An Exploratory Investigation into Women’s Experience of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Violence Against Women: an international and interdisciplinary journal. DOI: TBC