
View a selection of papers and press releases involving our researchers.

Professor Lorraine Cale

  • Cale L, Harris J. (in press). Physical Education Pedagogies for Health. Routledge.
  • Cale L. (2021). Physical education’s journey on the road to health, Sport, Education and Society, 26(5), 486-499. DOI: .
  • Harris J, Cale L, Hooper O. (2021) The promoting active lifestyles (PAL) project: A principle based approach to pedagogical change. The Curriculum Journal. DOI: .
  • Cale L, Harris J. (2018). The role of knowledge and understanding in fostering physical literacy, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 37(3), 280-287. DOI: .
  • Cale L, Harris J, Duncombe R. (2016). Promoting physical activity in secondary schools. Growing expectations: same old issues, European Physical Education Review, 22(4), 526-544. DOI: .

Dr Janine Coates

  • Sharpe L, Coates J, Mason C. (2021). Voice, vlogs and visibility: the experiences of young people with SEND engaging in the school games. Sport, Education and Society, 1-16. DOI: .
  • Coates J, Mason C, Sharpe L, Drew K. (2020).
  • Coates J, Harris J, Waring M. (2020). The effectiveness of a special school experience for improving preservice teachers’ efficacy to teach children with special educational needs and disabilities. British Educational 夜色直播app Journal. Online ahead of print, DOI: .
  • Coates J, Pimlott鈥怶ilson H. (2019). Learning while playing: Children's Forest School experiences in the UK. British Educational 夜色直播app Journal, 45(1), 21-40. DOI: .

Dr Holly Collison

  • Al-Khalifa H, Collison H. (2020). Adapting to Local Context and Managing Relationships: A case study of a Multinational SDP Partnership in Bahrain. Journal of Global Sport Management. DOI: .
  • Hayday JE, Collison H. (2020). Exploring the Contested Notion of Social Inclusion and Gender Inclusivity within eSport Spaces. Social Inclusion, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 3. DOI: .
  • Rosenbaum S, Ager A, Snider L, Warria A, Collison H, Hermosilla S, Vancampfort D. (2021). Physical activity, mental health and psychosocial support. Forced Migration Review, (66), 34-37.
  • Giulianotti R, Coalter F, Collison H, Darnell SC. (2019). Rethinking Sportland: A new research agenda for the Sport for Development and Peace sector. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 43(6), 411-437. DOI: .
  • Kohe GZ, Collison H. (2018). Playing on common ground: spaces of sport, education and corporate connectivity, contestation and creativity. Sport in Society, 1-16. DOI: .
  • Giulianotti R, Darnell S, Collison H, Howe PD. (2018). Sport for development and peace and the environment: The case for policy, practice, and research. Sustainability, 10(7), 2241. DOI: .
  • Collison H, Darnell S, Giulianotti R, Howe PD. (2017). The inclusion conundrum: A critical account of youth and gender issues within and beyond sport for development and peace interventions. Social Inclusion, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp223-231. DOI: .

Dr Silvia Costa

  • Creaser AV, Clemes SA, Costa S, Hall J, Ridgers ND, Barber SE, Bingham DD. (2021). The Acceptability, Feasibility, and Effectiveness of Wearable Activity Trackers for Increasing Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Jun 8;18(12):6211. DOI: .
  • Costa S, Benjamin-Neelon SE, Winpenny E, Phillips V, Adams J. (2019). Relationship Between Early Childhood Non-Parental Childcare and Diet, Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2019 Nov 22;16(23):4652. DOI: .
  • Peden ME, Jones R, Costa S, Ellis Y, Okely AD. (2017). Relationship between children's physical activity, sedentary behavior, and childcare environments: A cross sectional study. Prev Med Rep. 2017 Feb 21;6:171-176. DOI: .

Professor Paul Downward

  • Schüttoff U, Pawlowski T, Downward P, Lechner M. (2018). Sports participation and Social Capital Formation during Adolescence, Social Science Quarterly, 99(2), 683-698.
  • Pawlowski T, Schüttoff U, Downward P, Lechner M. (2018). Can sport really help to meet the Millennium Development Goals? Evidence from children in Peru, Journal of Sports Economics, 19(4), 498-521.
  • Kumar H, Manoli AE, Hodgkinson IR, Downward P. (2018). Sport participation: From policy, through facilities, to users’ health, well-being, and social capital. Sport Management Review, 21(5), 549-562. DOI:  .
  • Wicker P, Downward P, Lera-López F. (2017). Does regional disadvantage affect health-related sport and physical activity level? A multi-level analysis of individual behaviour. European journal of sport science, 17(10), 1350-1359. DOI: .

Professor Paula Griffiths

  • Pradeilles R, Irache A, Wanjohi MN, Holdsworth M, Laar A, Zotor F, Tandoh A, Klomegah S, Graham F, Muthuri SK, Kimani-Murage EW, Coleman N, Green MA, Osei-Kwasi H, Bohr M, Rousham E, Asiki G, Akparibo R, Mensah K, Aryeetey R, Bricas N, Griffiths P. (2021). Urban physical food environments drive dietary behaviours in Ghana and Kenya: a Photovoice study. Health and Place. DOI: .
  • Pearson N, Biddle S, Griffiths P, Sherar L, McGeorge S, Haycraft E. (2020). Reducing screen-time and unhealthy snacking in 9-11 year old children: the Kids FIRST pilot randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health. DOI:.
  • Mwoma T, Kitsao-Wekulo P, Haycraft E, Kimani-Murage E, Wanjohi M, Kimiywe J, Kinuthia E, Muriuki P, Pearson N, Okelo K, Onyango S, Kadenge O, Samburu B, Mwangi S, Kabaka S, Tauta C, Griffiths P. (2020). Experiences of incorporating support for early childhood development into the Baby Friendly Community Initiative in rural Kenya. British Academy Journal, 8(s2), 103–132. DOI: .
  • Pradeilles, R, Rousham, E, Norris, SA, Kesten, JM, Griffiths, P. (2016). Community readiness for adolescents’ overweight and obesity prevention is low in urban South Africa: a case study. BMC Public Health. DOI:.

Professor Richard Giulianotti

  • Collison H, Darnell S, Giulianotti R, Howe PD. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace. .
  • Giulianotti R, Coalter F, Collison H, Darnell S. (2019). Rethinking Sportland: A New 夜色直播app Agenda for the Sport for Development and Peace Sector’. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. DOI:.
  • Giulianotti R, Collison H, Darnell S. (2021). ‘Volunteers in the Sport for Development and Peace Sector: Antinomies, Liminality, and Structural Relations’, Sport, Education and Society. DOI: .
  • Giulianotti R. (2021). Greening Sport for Development and Peace: A Socio-Ecological Approach. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. DOI: .

Dr Oliver Hooper

  • Quarmby T, Sandford R, Green R, Hooper O, Avery J. (2022). Developing evidence-informed principles for trauma-aware pedagogies in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 27 (4): 440-454. DOI: .
  • Stirrup J, Hooper O. (2021). Critical Pedagogies in Physical Education, Physical Activity and Health. London: Routledge. ISBN: .
  • Sandford R, Quarmby T, Hooper O, Duncombe R. (2021). Navigating complex social landscapes: Examining care-experienced young people’s engagements with sport and physical activity. Sport, Education and Society, 26 (1): 15-28. DOI: .
  • Hooper O, Sandford R, Jarvis H. (2020). Thinking and feeling in/through physical education: What place for social and emotional learning? In F. Chambers, D. Aldous and A. Bryant (Eds.). Threshold Concepts in Physical Education: A Design Thinking Approach (pp. 137-148). London: Routledge. ISBN: .

Dr Jamie Kenyon

  • Kenyon JA, Mason C, Rookwood J. (2018). Emerging third-sector sports organisations and navigating uncertainty in an ‘era of austerity’: a single ethnographic case study from Liverpool. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 10(1), pp.25-42. DOI: 
  • Kenyon J, Rookwood J. (2009). Sporting education – a Global Hope? Examining a sport development educational initiative at a Tibetan SOS Children’s Village in northern India. Journal of Qualitative 夜色直播app in Sports Studies, 3(1), pp.105-126.

Dr Carolynne Mason

  • Mason C, Darby P, Drywood E, Esson J, Darby P, Drywood E, Yilmaz S. (2019). Rights, risks, and responsibilities in the recruitment of children within the global football industry. International Journal of Children’s Rights, Vol 27, No 4, pp738-756. DOI: .
  • Yilmaz S, Esson J, Darby P, Drywood E, Mason C. (2018). Children’s rights and the regulations on the transfer of young players in football. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. DOI: .
  • Mason C, Walpole C. (In press). ‘Using child-centred approaches to enhance the evidence base around using sport-based interventions to reduce youth offending’ in Morgan, H. and Parker, A. Eds) Sport, Physical Activity and Criminal Justice: Politics, Policy and Practice, Routledge.

Professor Fehmidah Munir

  • Munir F, Biddle SJH, Davies MJ, Dunstan D, Esliger D, Gray LJ, Jackson BR, O’Connell SE, Yates T, Edwardson CL. (2018). Stand More AT Work (SMArT Work): using the behaviour change wheel to develop an intervention to reduce sitting time in the workplace. BMC Public Health. DOI: .
  • Edwardson CL, Yates T, Biddle SJH, Davies MJ, Dunstan DW, Esliger DW, Gray LJ, Jackson B, O’Connell SE, Waheed G, Munir F. (2018). Effectiveness of the Stand More AT (SMArT) Work intervention: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ. DOI: .
  • Munir F, Yarkerc J, Duckworth J, Chena Y-L, Brinkley A, Varela-Mato V, Lewis R, Clemes S. (2021). Evaluation of a natural workspace intervention with active design features on movement, interaction and health. DOI: .
  • Brinkley A, McDermott H, Grenfell-Essam R, Munir F. (2017). It's Time to Start Changing the Game: A 12-Week Workplace Team Sport Intervention Study. Sports Medicine - Open. DOI: .

Dr Anthony Papathomas

  • Pereira Vargas MLF, Papathomas A, Williams TL, Kinnafick FE, Rhodes P. (2021). Diverse paradigms and stories: mapping ‘mental illness’ in athletes through meta-study. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. DOI: .
  • Rogers E, Papathomas A, Kinnafick FE. (2021). Inpatient perspectives on physical activity in a secure mental health setting. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. DOI: .
  • Papathomas A, Petrie TA, Plateau CR. (2018). Changes in body image perceptions upon leaving elite sport: The retired female athlete paradox. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. DOI: .
  • Papathomas A. (2018). Disordered eating in sport: Legitimized and stigmatized. In Sport, mental illness, and sociology. Emerald Publishing Limited. DOI: .

Dr Natalie Pearson

  • Pearson N, Griffiths P, van Sluijs E, Atkin AJ, Khunti K, Sherar LB. (2022). Associations between socio-economic position and young people’s physical activity and sedentary behaviour in the United Kingdom: A scoping review. BMJ Open.
  • Pearson N, Biddle SJH, Griffiths P, Sherar LB, McGeorge S, Haycraft E. (2020). Reducing screen-time and unhealthy snacking in 9-11 year old children: the Kids FIRST pilot randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 20 (122).
  • Pearson N, Sherar LB, Hamer M. (2019). Prevalence and correlates of meeting sleep, screen-time, and physical activity guidelines among UK adolescents. JAMA Pediatrics, 173(10): 993-994.
  • Pearson N, Biddle SJH, Griffiths P, Johnston JP, Haycraft E. (2018). Clustering and correlates of screen-time and eating behaviours among young children. BMC Public Health, 18(1): 753.

Dr Joe Piggin

  • Piggin J. (2019). The Politics of Physical Activity. Routledge.
  • Piggin J, Mansfield L, Weed M. (2017). Handbook of Physical Activity Policy and Practice. Routledge.
  • Piggin J. (2020). What is physical activity? A holistic definition for teachers, researchers and policy makers. Frontiers in Sport and Active Living.
  • Matias T, Piggin J. (2022). The Unifying Theory of Physical Activity, Quest. Online first.

Dr Emma Pullen

  • Pullen E, Miller B, Plateau C. (June 2021). . Prepared for UK Sport.
  • Pullen E, Jackson D, Silk M, Scullion R. (2019). Re-presenting the Paralympics:(contested) philosophies, production practices and the hypervisibility of disability. Media, culture & society, 41(4), 465-481. DOI: .
  • Pullen E, Jackson D, Silk M. (2020). Watching disability: UK audience perceptions of the Paralympics, equality and social change. European Journal of Communication, 35(5), 469-483. DOI: .
  • Pullen E, Silk M. (2020). Gender, technology and the ablenational Paralympic body politic. Cultural Studies, 34(3), 466-488. DOI: .
  • Malcolm D, Pullen E. (2020). ‘Everything I enjoy doing I just couldn’t do’: biographical disruption for sport-related injury. Health, 24(4), 366-383. DOI: .

Dr Daniel Rhind

  • Owusu-Sekyere F, Rhind DJA, Hills L. (2021). Safeguarding Culture: Towards a new approach to preventing child maltreatment in sport. Sport Management review. DOI: .
  • Newman J, Rumbold J, Rhind DJA. (2021). When it is no longer a bit of banter: Coaches’ perspectives of bullying in professional football. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. DOI: .

Professor Emily Rousham

  • Pradeilles R, Pareja R, Creed-Kanashiro HM, Griffiths P, Holdsworth M, Verdezoto N, Eymard Duvernay S, Landais E, Stanley M, Rousham E. (2022). Diet and food insecurity among mothers, infants and young children in Peru before and during COVID-19: a panel survey, Maternal and Child Nutrition. DOI: .
  • Rousham E, Pradeilles R, Akparibo R, Aryeetey R, Bash K, Booth A, Muthuri SK, Osei-Kwasi H, Marr CM, Norris T, Holdsworth M. (2020). Dietary behaviours in the context of nutrition transition: a systematic review and meta-analyses in two African countries, Public Health Nutrition, 23(11), pp.1948-1964. DOI: .
  • Pradeilles R, Irache A, Wanjohi MN, Holdsworth M, Laar A, Zotor F, Tandoh A, Klomegah S, Graham F, Muthuri SK, Kimani-Murage EW, Coleman N, Green MA, Osei-Kwasi H, Bohr M, Rousham E, Asiki G, Akparibo R, Mensah K, Aryeetey R, Bricas N, Griffiths P. (2021). Urban physical food environments drive dietary behaviours in Ghana and Kenya: a Photovoice study, Health and Place, 71, 102647, DOI: .
  • Osei-Kwasi H, Laar A, Zotor F, Pradeilles R, Aryeetey R, Green M, Griffiths P, Akparibo R, Njera M, Rousham E, Barnes A, Booth A, Mensah K, Asiki G, Kimani-Murage K, Bricas N, Holdsworth M. (2021). The African Urban Food Environment Framework for creating healthy nutrition policy and interventions in urban Africa, PLoS One, 16(4), e0249621. DOI: .

Dr Rachel Sandford

  • Sandford R, Quarmby T, Hooper O, Duncombe R. (2021). Navigating Complex Social Landscapes: Examining care experienced young people’s engagements with sport and physical activity. Sport, Education and Society. DOI: .
  • Quarmby T, Sandford R, Hooper O, Duncombe R. (2020). Narratives and marginalised voices: Storying the sport and physical activity experiences of care-experienced young people. Qualitative 夜色直播app in Sport, Exercise and Health. DOI: .
  • Sandford R, Giulianotti R, Beckett A. (2021). Sport, Disability and (Inclusive) Education: Critical insights and understandings from the Playdagogy programme. Sport, Education and Society. DOI: .
  • Quarmby T, Sandford R, Green R, Hooper O, Avery J. (2021). Developing evidence-informed principles for trauma-aware pedagogies in physical education. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy. DOI: .

Professor Lauren Sherar

  • Ikeda E, Guagliano JM, Atkin AJ, Sherar LB, Ekelund U, Hansen B, Northstone K, van Sluijs E; International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD) Collaborators. (2022). Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of active travel, organised sport and physical education with accelerometer-assessed moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in young people: the International Children's Accelerometry Database. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. DOI:
  • .
  • Aubert S, Brazo-Sayavera J, González SA, Janssen I, Manyanga T, Oyeyemi AL, Picard P, Sherar LB, Turner E, Tremblay MS. (2021). Global prevalence of physical activity for children and adolescents; inconsistencies, research gaps, and recommendations: a narrative review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. DOI: .
  • Warmath CR, Choy CC, Frame EA, Sherar LB, Duckham RL, Soti-Ulberg C, Naseri T, Reupena MS, Hawley NL. (2021). Comparability of The Netherlands Physical Activity Questionnaire with Accelerometer-Measured Physical Activity in Samoan Children: A Retrospective Analysis of Ola Tuputupua'e Data. Int J Environ Res Public Health. DOI: .
  • Gammon C, Atkin AJ, Corder K, Ekelund U, Hansen BH, Sherar LB, Andersen LB, Anderssen S, Davey R, Hallal PC, Jago R, Kriemler S, Kristensen PL, Kwon S, Northstone K, Pate R, Salmon J, Sardinha LB, van Sluijs EMF. (2022). International Children’s Accelerometry Database (ICAD) collaborators. Influence of Guideline Operationalization on Youth Activity Prevalence in the International Children's Accelerometry Database. Med Sci Sports Exerc. DOI: .

Professor James Skinner

  • Skinner J, Zakus D, Cowell J. (2008). Development through Sport: Building Social Capital in Disadvantaged Communities. Sport Management Review. DOI: .
  • Zakus D, Skinner J, Edwards A. (2009). Sport and Social Capital in Australia. Sport and Society. DOI: .
  • Skinner J, Woolcock. (2018). Sport for Development, Peace and Social Capital. In Simon Darnell, Richard Giulianotti, David Howe and Holly Collison (Eds) Sport for Development and Peace’ Handbook. .
  • Skinner J, Smith ACT, Swanson S. (2018). Fostering Innovative Cultures in Sport. Palgrave Macmillan: London. DOI: .

Dr Julie Stirrup

  • Gray S, Sandford R, Stirrup J, et al. (2021). A comparative analysis of discourses shaping physical education provision within and across the UK. European Physical Education Review. DOI: .
  • Stirrup J. (2018). Performance pedagogy at play: pupils’ perspectives on primary PE. Sport, Education and Society. DOI: .
  • Stirrup J, Evans, J, Davies B. (2017). Learning one’s place and position through play: social class and educational opportunity in early years’ education. International Journal of Early Years Education. DOI: .
  • Stirrup J, Duncombe R, Sandford R. (2015). 'Intensive Mothering' in the Early Years: the cultivation and consolidation of (physical) capital. Sport, Education and Society. DOI: .

Dr Minhyeok Tak

  • Tak M, Kim YJ, Rhind DJA. (ongoing). ‘Is Safe Sport incompatible with high performance? Contextualising safeguarding policies within the South Korean elite athlete development system’ funded by the IOC’s 2021/22 Advanced Olympic 夜色直播app Grant, The Olympic Studies Centre.
  • Tak M, Choi CH, Sam MP. (2021). Odds-wise view: Whose ideas prevail in the global integrity campaigns against match-fixing? International Review for the Sociology of Sport. DOI: .
  • Tak M, Sam MP, Jackson SJ. (2018). The problems and causes of match-fixing: Are legal sports betting regimes to blame? Journal of Criminological 夜色直播app, Policy and Practice, 4(1), 73-87. DOI: .
  • Tak M, Sam MP, Jackson SJ. (2018). The politics of countermeasures against match-fixing in sport: A political sociology approach to policy instruments. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 53(1), 30-48. DOI: .

Dr Ian Taylor

  • Taylor IM, Lonsdale C. (2022). Motivational Processes in Physical Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective. In R. M. Ryan & Deci. E. L. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Self-Determination Theory, Oxford University Press.
  • Taylor IM. (2015). The five self-determination mini-theories applied to sport. In S. S. Mellalieu & S. Hanton (Eds) Contemporary Advances in Sport Psychology, Routledge (pp. 68-90).
  • Earl SR, Taylor IM, Meijen C, Passfield L. (2019). Young Adolescent Psychological Need Profiles: Associations with Classroom Achievement and Well-Being, Psychology in the Schools, 56, 1004-1022. DOI:
  • Taylor IM. (2017). Reciprocal effects of motivation in physical education and self-reported physical activity. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 31, 131-138. DOI:  

Dr Gareth Wiltshire

  • Wiltshire G, Lee J, Williams O. (2019). Understanding the reproduction of health inequalities: physical activity, social class and Bourdieu’s habitus. Sport, Education and Society. DOI:.
  • Wiltshire G, Stevinson C. (2018). Exploring the role of social capital in community-based physical activity: qualitative insights from parkrun. Qualitative 夜色直播app in Sport, Exercise and Health. DOI: .

Dr Gemma Witcomb

  • Witcomb GL, Peel E. (2022). Gender Diversity and Sport: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Increasing Inclusivity. Gender and Sexualities in Psychology Series, Routledge. Released May 2022. DOI: .
  • Knott-Fayle G, Peel E, Witcomb GL. (2021). (Anti-)Feminism and cisgenderism in sports media. Feminist Media Studies. DOI: .
  • Harper J, ODonnell E, Khorashad BS, McDermott H, Witcomb GL. (2021). How does hormone transition in transgender women change body composition, muscle strength and haemoglobin? Systematic review with a focus on the implications for sport participation. British Journal of Sports Medicine. DOI: .
  • Witcomb GL, Harding Z. (2018). An exercise in happiness: Physical activity choices and psychological wellbeing in post-partum mothers. Archives of Sports Medicine. DOI: .
  • Witcomb GL, Claes L, Bouman WP, Motmans J, Nixon E, Arcelus J. (2019). Experiences and Psychological Wellbeing Outcomes Associated with Bullying in Treatment-Seeking Transgender and Gender-Diverse Youth. LGBT Health. DOI: .

Dr Serhat Yilmaz

  • Yilmaz S, Esson J, Darby P, Drywood E, Mason C. (2018). Children’s rights and the regulations on the transfer of young players in football. International Review for the Sociology of Sport. DOI:  
  • Yilmaz S. (2018). Advancing our understanding of the EU sports policy: the socio-cultural model of sports regulation and players’ agents. International journal of sport policy and politics10(2), 353-369. DOI: 
  • Mason C, Darby P, Drywood E, Esson J, Yilmaz S. (2019). Rights, risks, and responsibilities in the recruitment of children within the global football industry. International Journal of Children’s Rights, Vol 27, No 4, pp738-756. DOI: 
  • Esson J, Darby P, Drywood E, Mason C, Yilmaz S. (2020). Children before players: Protecting and realising children's rights: A guide for professional clubs. London: UNICEF UK. Full Report: