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Academic Success Coaching

If you are a UK undergraduate student, you can sign up for academic success coaching! 

Work 1:1 with a dedicated coach to help you achieve your full potential while at university. Explore and learn a range of techniques to identify and play to your strengths, overcome barriers to success, and improve your grades. 

We support on a range of topics including: 

  • Exam Techniques
  • Procrastination
  • Motivation/Confidence
  • Perfectionism
  • Presentation Skills
  • Resilience
  • Time Management
  • Organisation

Appointment details  

Depending on who you are and where you are at in the student journey, there is a tailored offer to enable you to achieve academic success (in whatever way that looks for you). 

If you are a UK student, the following is available to you: 

  • Foundation and Part A – Get Ahead Together (group peer mentoring) and workshops for academic success 
  • Parts B, C, I, and D – 1:1 Academic Success Coaching and workshops for academic success  

If you are an international student, you are entitled to exclusive support from the Academic Language Support Service who can offer you a range of fantastic workshops (in person and virtual) and online resources through the . 

While 1:1 coaching is not currently available to our postgraduate students, we offer select workshops and sessions throughout the year which you can take advantage of. Please keep an eye out for what is .