
Careers Network

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Working Abroad

Cultural Awareness

Working for an international company, a UK based business with offices overseas, or managing teams in a variety of countries demands a sensitivity in working with different cultures.

In a business world where all graduates have the potential to be a global employee, you may need to develop:

  • Awareness and knowledge of cultural differences and diversity
  • Sensitivity, respect and tolerance
  • Excellent communication skills
  • An insight into organisational, environmental and economic issues facing different countries

To help you prepare for the global marketplace, develop an awareness of what is going on in the world in terms of economy, environment and politics, depending on the type of employment you are considering. Read a quality newspaper and research topics on the internet to help you. Interact with students from different cultures and international students to gain an insight into how cultures differ from your own.

We have information on Working Abroad and there is specific Information for International Students and Graduates.