
Careers Network

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I contact Careers Network?

We have lots of useful information and advice on our website, but if you would like to speak to someone you can Book an appointment. Careers Advice appointments are available Monday to Friday via MS Teams, telephone or in person. For any other queries email careers@lboro.ac.uk or phone us on 01509 222765.

I need help with job applications, what should I do?

You’ll find a wealth of resources in the Make applications section of our website.  Once you have used these to wro work on your applications, we can answer any queries you have and give feedback on applications in our Careers Advice appointments, available via MS Teams, telephone or in person.

I have a job interview, how should I prepare?

Initially, it’s a good idea to look at our website to help you prepare for Interviews which includes video interview resources, including example interview questions. With all job interviews, consider potential questions you may be asked and practise answering them. You can also book a Careers Advice appointment or Interview Coaching with one of the Careers Network team to gain feedback and help you prepare. 

I'm in my final year and not sure what to do when I graduate.

If you aren’t sure what to do after graduation don’t worry, help is at hand. We have lots of information on our website about getting started with career planning and more information can be found in explore career options. It’s a good idea to book a Careers Advice appointment to discuss your plans, but don’t worry if you haven’t given it much thought yet, we can help, whatever stage you are at. To find out more visit Support for Finalists.

How can I access Enterprise and Business Support?

Enterprise and Business support is provided by the 夜色直播app Enterprise Network (LEN). Information on a wide-range of internal and external support (resources, opportunities and business interruption loans, for example) is available on their website.  If you would like to speak to a member of the team, start by booking a Careers Advice appointment and take it from there.

I am interested in postgraduate study. How can I find out more about it?

Postgraduate study following an undergraduate degree is a popular option.  You will need to start your research as soon as you can in your final year (if not before), to ensure you don't miss any early deadlines for certain careers, e.g. teaching, law, medicine etc where there may be a central applications system.   For most other courses you will apply directly to the institution and can apply to a few different courses if you wish.

It is a good idea to contact the postgraduate admissions departments for courses and universities you are interested in to find out about their specific requirements and any deadlines.   For more information about searching for courses and how to apply visit our Postgraduate Study pages.

I wanted to travel after graduation, how do I go about planning it?

If you want to explore travelling or working abroad, visit the GoinGlobal and  Prospects websites via our working abroad page.  If you are considering travelling abroad always consult the current UK Government advice .

I am graduating this year and want to know how to find short-term work to start with.

Temporary jobs will earn you money and help evidence your skills whilst you are planning your next steps.  

It’s possible to look for temporary roles in your chosen sector (this works especially well for the charity or public sector). The benefits of this can include learning terminology/technology used, networking and getting a good understanding of how organisations work.  If you can’t find anything in your preferred field, many jobs working online, in administration, team situations or with customers will give you some really useful communication skills to add to your CV. 

A useful resource to find vacancies is and make sure you view vacancies by date order. Don’t forget specialist job sites such as , and you could also contact recruitment agencies.

Find more details of places to look in Find jobs and work experience and Options with your degree.  If you’re not sure where to look, just ask us.

If you are looking for temporary work, it’s crucial to make time to research your longer term career plans and to make connections in your chosen sectors (otherwise you could drift). So free time up for this during evenings and weekends or on your days off. You could also do voluntary work alongside temporary paid work.

I plan to go out on placement next academic year, where can I get some advice?

Advice on getting a placement can be found on our Get a Placement pages. Here you will find details of your dedicated Placement Officer who can provide tailored support for students in your school.

As a first year, how can I increase my chances of getting a placement starting in 2025?

There are lots of things you can be doing to boost your employability and knowledge to apply for placements starting in 2025. As there may be more competition for roles it’s a good idea to get proactive as soon as possible. Make the most of the practical career planning advice and activities on the Explore career options pages of our website.

You may have to be flexible in your thinking, while maintaining social distancing and using online platforms, but look out for ways to gain skill-building experience including volunteering, part-time work, positions of responsibility and self-directed learning. Maybe build or improve your existing LinkedIn profile. Think about what you can do, for example, if in-person work-shadowing isn’t possible, why not conduct virtual information interviews with people in your network to find out about job roles and industries?  For help with this visit Find jobs and work experience.

Use your time productively to get familiar with different aspects of the recruitment process; check out the information, examples and free practice packages in the Make applications section of our website, so you feel really prepared for making effective and timely applications. The Careers Network team will be happy to help you, and answer any queries along the way, so if you need individual support book an appointment with us.