
Careers Network

Become your Personal Best

Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are something that we use daily, and it is important to know how to use them appropriately in the work context. We have identified four strands of interpersonal skills important to your career.


Verbal communication is one of the most common ways to interact with one another. This could involve presenting in front of an audience, talking to a client or responding to a manager. However, there is much more to verbal communication than just talking. Being able to actively listen, giving time and full attention to the people you are with and understanding what is required will help you to better interpret what the other person is really saying.

Using active listening, understanding and clarifying will aid you in adapting to different audiences and situations, leading to the development of better communication skills.


Networking allows you to expand your horizons, find out about new ideas and promote your personal brand to others. It can be a daunting task for many, but preparation is key to make the most out of the experience.

You don’t have to wait for a careers fair to start networking – you might bump into someone on the train who works at your dream company! Therefore, it is important to be prepared and identify who you can network with, what you want to get out of the encounter, and where you can go to implement your networking skills.

Your interpersonal skills come into play during networking to enable you to enter, engage in and leave conversations appropriately, and afterwards understanding what you gained from the interaction. You never know when you might need to draw on these connections in the future, so taking some time to maintain your relationships is key to effective networking.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, manage and express your emotions as well as understanding the emotions of others. In the workplace it can be useful to apply the skills found within emotional intelligence to accomplish tasks and problem solve effectively.

Emotional intelligence involves being mindful of how your work and communication style might impact others and using good judgment to handle interpersonal relationships fairly and empathetically. It also includes being willing and able to recognise your own weaknesses so you can understand how to improve and progress in your work.

Verbal Presentation

Within your place of work, you will be working with a variety of personalities and working styles. Your ability to adapt your verbal presentation skills to the situation will be key so that you can get your point across effectively. This can involve the use of storytelling in presentations, effective questioning in meetings, and even humour, if appropriate.