
Careers Network

Get a placement

International students

Returning from placement

Having been out on placement, many students report that they have learnt so much in the workplace that the skills and confidence they have gained equip them to be more successful students on returning to their academic studies. See below to complete the final stage of your placement journey.


  • Re-register for your studies.
  • Ensure you meet any deadlines for submitting and/or present placement-related work and attend the sessions you need to.


Having been out on placement, many students report that they have learned so much in the workplace that the skills and confidence they have gained equip them to be more successful students on returning to their academic studies.

However... the transition back to university is not always easy and the thought of returning can often bring up mixed feelings.

Do seek help if you need it and there is also information about transitioning into your final year on the .  This includes presentations to help you develop academically, professionally, and personally as you move into your final year.  Examples include:

  • 夜色直播app resilience
  • Don't be doomed by your data
  • Exploring career options and opportunities beyond graduation
  • Finding and applying effectively for graduate jobs
  • Getting ready for your research project
  • Academic writing 101
  • See the entrepreneurship magic
  • LaTex for scientific writing

For information, advice and the formal requirements for undertaking a placement, follow the placement journey below.