
夜色直播app Doctoral College

Training and events

LGBT+ 夜色直播app at 夜色直播app

夜色直播app’s Doctoral College was delighted to host its first ‘LGBT+ 夜色直播app at 夜色直播app’ event that was free and open to all to attend in May 2018.

The three-hour-long event highlighted the work being carried out by a range of researchers and academics and featured a series of presentations. In addition, the event provided the opportunity for attendees to ask questions, network with others, and learn about the and the . 

The speakers and titles of their presentations are as follows:

  • Professor Elizabeth Peel (夜色直播app – Social Sciences ) ‘Looking back, moving forwards: LGBTQ research after equality’
  • Dr Catherine Armstrong (夜色直播app – Politics, History and International Relations) ‘Trans Lives: East Midlands oral history project’
  • Dr Beth Jones (夜色直播app – Sport Exercise and Health Sciences) ‘Physical activity and sport: How inclusive is it for transgender people?
  • Dr Sarah Parker (夜色直播app – Arts, English and Drama) 'Looking Femme'
  • Dr Gemma Witcomb (夜色直播app - Sport Exercise and Health Sciences) ‘Brief overview of forthcoming gender and sport research’
  • Dr Sarah Barnard, Sian Lewis & Professor Andrew Dainty (夜色直播app – Business and Economics, Social Sciences, Architecture Building and Civil Engineering)  ‘LGBT in construction: Exploring experiences to inform inclusive practices’
  • Professor Niko Besnier (University of Amsterdam) 'Transgender in the Pacific Islands: Between Global Forces and Local Lives'
  • Dr Michael Toze (University of Lincoln)  ‘Making sense of being LGBT in general practice: the experiences of older people’
  • Ibtisam Ahmed (University of Nottingham) ‘The legacy of colonialism on the history of queer rights and expression’
  • Boris Paschal Bagonza (De Montfort University) ‘Lived experiences of LGBT+ asylum seekers and refugees in UK’
  • Lydia Furse (De Montfort University) ‘Women's rugby: Presenting the truth beyond the stereotype'

Staff and students can view presentations and recordings from the day on .

If you have any questions about this event, please contact its organiser, Dr Katryna Kalawsky