Fee information

Student account

Your student account will reflect charges (tuition fees, accommodation fees and some other costs such as field trips) and payments you make towards these.

You will not receive invoices for these charges but we will send statements to your university email account at regular intervals throughout the year so you can see your balance.

There are penalties for failing to pay on time including termination of accommodation contracts, accounts being passed to external debt collection agencies and, in the case of outstanding academic debt, withholding qualifications or preventing progression to the next year of studies.

Billing dates

Tuition fees

These are billed shortly around the start of term, and after you complete registration.

Accommodation fees

These are billed shortly after you move into your accommodation.

Payment deadlines


Payment in full by 16 October 2024


Payment in specified instalments

Tuition fees and accommodation charges - Full time students

  • 16 October 2024
  • 15 January 2025
  • 7 May 2025

Part time taught and Post Graduate 夜色直播app students - please see your statement for due dates

Payment deadlines for full-time post graduate taught students starting in January 2025

Tuition fees (UK students)

  • 15 January 2025
  • 7 May 2025
  • 15 October 2025

Tuition fees (international students)

  • 15 January 2025
  • 7 May 2025
  • 15 October 2025

Other charges

These will be added as they occur, and they will appear on your next statement. Payment is due within 30 days, or earlier if specified at the point of charge.


Statements will be sent on the below dates:

  • 04 September 2024
  • 02 October 2024
  • 23 October 2024
  • 06 November 2024
  • 27 November 2024
  • 08 January 2025
  • 30 January 2025
  • 26 February 2025
  • 19 March 2025
  • 30 April 2025
  • 14 May 2025
  • 19 June 2025
  • 02 July 2025
  • 30 July 2025
  • 03 September 2025
  • 02 October 2025