Vouchers (or gifts)

Reward staff throughout the year with vouchers (or gifts) to the value of 拢25, 拢50 or 拢100


All staff are eligible for this award. Rewards can be for an individual or a team.


Vouchers (or gifts) can be awarded spontaneously at any point during the year. This makes them especially useful for rewarding tasks, activities and behaviours as soon as possible.

What do you get?

Vouchers are sourced via Love to Shop through Agresso with a value of £25, £50 or £100.

Where the reward is in the form of a team meal, the amount per head is capped at £25.

Following negotiation with HMRC, these awards are not subject to employee tax and NICs


Excellent performance which is not at the level commensurate with the criteria for a lump sum (one-off payment) can be recognised with a reward voucher (or small gift) or a Team award such as a meal out. The appropriate level of award will be dependent on an individual (or a team's) performance and the normal expectation of them in their role(s).

This might be:

  • £25 - work that is part of the usual scope of the role where the individual has risen to the challenge of the task. This may relate to finding new methods of working, working with others, or improving the delivery timescales.
  • £50 - work which has been completed where the individual has demonstrated additional resilience, creativity or determination in the delivery of a piece of work. This work may be part of business as usual or a bespoke project or specific request.
  • £100 - exceptional work above and beyond the usual scope of the role. The individual demonstrates ownership and leadership of the task.

Who nominates?

Nominations can be generated from colleagues, the employee themselves (via their line manager) and line managers (or another relevant manager) or Heads of School/Service. Information relating to the nomination case should be included within the relevant nomination form. 

HR can provide a template for each School/Service to adopt.


Recommendations are considered and authorised by the School or Service Senior Leadership Team (SLT).

SLTs should be chaired by the Head of School or Service (or their delegate) and should include the School/Service Senior HR Business Partner as an independent advisor in the process.

Applications can be made all year round and are paid once authorised.

Any recommendation which differs from the norms set out above or where the panel cannot reach a consensus will be referred to the Director of HR.

Recording and Processing

Vouchers (or gifts) are recorded on iTrent & Agresso. 

Vouchers (or gifts) are processed by School/Service Admin using GL account code 2640


Successful colleagues will receive a Voucher or Payment Card and this is communicated to them by their line manager.