Specialist and Supporting Academic (SSA) Career progression

Use of the title Fellow

This should be limited to staff on grade 7 (Teaching / 夜色直播app / Enterprise Fellow) and 8 (Senior Teaching / 夜色直播app / Enterprise Fellow) only. The following procedure for re-designation (which is already in existence for research roles) should be followed:

1. The Dean should prepare an outline case and discuss the proposal with the relevant PVC in the first instance. 

2. If the relevant PVC is broadly supportive of the proposal, then the individual should be asked to prepare a statement demonstrating the following:

  • The independence of their research / teaching / enterprise which is appropriately evidenced
  • Their recognition within their academic community

3. The relevant PVC will consider the submission and decide whether the title can be awarded. The title will not affect an individual’s grade and it should be noted that the title can only be awarded to those on grade 7 (Fellow) or grade 8 (Senior Fellow). The relevant PVC’s decision is final.

4. The contract status of an individual is not affected by a change in title to Fellow or Senior Fellow.

Career Progression

The following arrangements can be used to promote staff from SSA7 to SSA8.

  1. Where the need for a role at SSA8 is identified, Schools are permitted to limit the vacancy advert to existing staff within the School, subject to securing appropriate approval, e.g. from Operations Committee.  (For specialist teaching roles, Operations Committee approval is not required, provided that the post is funded from the School’s existing devolved teaching budget.)
  2. A job description will need to be developed and the School must liaise with HR to ensure due process is followed. The contractual terms of the role must be made clear to any potential applicants, e.g. contract length, source of funding etc, hours of work).
  3. Existing staff on SSA7 from within the School will be invited to apply for the new role and shortlisting (if more than one candidate has applied) should be carried out as normal. The criteria set out in the person specification should be used during the shortlisting process.
  4. Shortlisted candidates should be invited to attend an interview, which should be chaired by the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor. The Dean, two other senior academics from the School including the relevant Associate Dean and a Dean from another School should be present at the interviews.
  5. The interview panel should be guided by the relevant and appropriate sections of the promotion to SL criteria when conducting the interview.
  6. Information regarding the successful candidate should be passed to HR so that appropriate arrangements can be made. The Dean of the School is responsible for informing unsuccessful candidates of the outcome.
  7. In certain situations, such as (but not limited to) 夜色直播app Fellows supported by external funding that they secure themselves, there may only be one suitable candidate for the role. This may therefore be viewed as a re-grade and it may therefore be more appropriate to apply sections 1 and 3 of the Regrading policy. For more information on this policy please see below.  
  8. Where a Fellow on SSA7 is promoted to SSA8, they will have the title Senior Fellow. 
Regrading Policy