University fellowships

The University has launched a new University Fellowship Scheme which, in conjunction with greater flexibility in workload distribution within Schools, replaces the former study leave scheme. Full details of the scheme are available below.

The University awarded the latest cohort of University Fellowships in October 2023 

The successful candidates

  • Dr James Knowles - School of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
  • Professor Paul Fleming - School of Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering 
  • Dr Catherine Armstrong - School of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Dr Mary Brewer - School of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Professor Louise Holt - School of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Professor Sabina Mihelj - School of Social Sciences and Humanities

How to apply

Applications from academic staff (i.e. those in the RTE, and SSA job family), excluding those on probation and those whose substantive roles are externally funded, are invited to apply for a Fellowship to enable them to dedicate a period of working time (for all of their contracted hours or a proportion of them) to a specified activity that underpins the University Strategy, Building Excellence. This can include initiatives that are specific to research, teaching or enterprise, or a combination of these, or activities that span the academic function, such as policy development or thought leadership. All activities and initiatives must clearly demonstrate how they will deliver excellence for the School and the University more generally.

The next meeting of the University Fellowship Review Group is due to take place on 11 April 2024. Applicants and their Dean must submit an application in the following format via email to Julie Mead by 28 March 2024.

Individual’s application (limited to two sides of A4):

  1. Details of the duration of University Fellowship applied for (maximum 12 months)
  2. Summary of the activities to be undertaken
  3. Explicit objectives for the University Fellowship including a statement indicating how these objectives support the University Strategy
  4. Explicit deliverables that will be achieved during the Fellowship period
  5. Details of any external funding already secured / applied for
  6. If internal resources are being requested (up to a value of £5,000) an explanation of how this will be used to support the Fellowship

Dean’s statement:

  1. An explanation of the benefits to the School and University
  2. Confirmation that they will make arrangements for the staff member’s normal duties to be covered during the period of the Fellowship, including arrangements for PGR supervision

Schools will provide details of the internal application process, please consult your Dean for further information. 

University Fellowship policy

  • Internally funded Fellowships will be known as University Fellowships.
  • University Fellowships are prestigious awards.
  • These awards are not available to probationary staff and those whose substantive post is funded via external means (either on a fixed term or an open ended basis). 
  • All other academic staff are entitled to apply for a University Fellowship, regardless of length of service provided that they have completed a PDR in the preceding 12 months with a performance rating of at least Very Good.
  • The purpose of University Fellowships is to allow staff to dedicate a specified period of working time to a specified academic activity (in 夜色直播app, Teaching or Enterprise) that underpins the University Strategy, Building Excellence. 
  • As part of a University Fellowship application, staff can apply for an award of up to £5,000 to support their work.
  • Applications for University Fellowships must be supported by the Dean and Schools will be expected to cover the salary costs of any University Fellowships.
  • The duration of the fellowship will normally be for a period of up to 6 months.  However, there may be exceptional circumstances which mean it is appropriate for this to be agreed for a period of up to 12 months.
  • Staff are also encouraged to apply for externally funded Fellowships. 
  • Staff may apply for a University Fellowship to supplement an externally funded award.
  • The expectation is that Schools will accommodate staff in receipt of a University Fellowship using the workload model. Schools should plan to have up to 5% of academic staff within the School on a University Fellowship at any one time.  
  • Normal working and reporting arrangements for staff (including PDR) continue during any Fellowship.
  • Deans have authority to manage the School workload model to allow staff to dedicate shorter periods of working time to a specified academic activity or to facilitate the return of members of staff from periods of family leave or ill health. Schools should have clear and transparent processes in place that enable staff to apply for such dedicated time.

University Fellowship procedure

  1. Applications for University Fellowships will be considered twice a year; in April and October. In exceptional circumstances, applications may be considered at other times of the year, at the discretion of the Chair. Any such applications will be reported to the following meeting.
  2. Schools will be expected to carry out an initial sift and put forward only the strongest applications. School senior management teams are expected to ensure that University Fellowships are discussed on a regular basis with all staff eligible to apply to ensure they are aware of the scheme. Schools are also expected to identify those who may benefit from a University Fellowship but who may need encouragement to apply and to work with those individuals accordingly.
  3. The applications must be no longer than two sides of A4 and must provide the following:
    1. Details of the duration of University Fellowship applied for (maximum 12 months)
    2. Summary of the activities to be undertaken
    3. Explicit objectives for the University Fellowship which will be incorporated into the PDR that will review the work undertaken during the Fellowship.
    4. A statement indicating how these objectives support the University Strategy
    5. Details of any external funding already secured/applied for

      In addition, the Dean must provide a short statement setting out the following:

    6. An explanation of the benefits to the School and University
    7. Confirmation that they will make arrangements for the staff member’s duties to be covered during the period of the Fellowship. If some duties are to continue, such as PGR supervision, then this should also be confirmed.
  4. Applications will be considered by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and the Pro Vice-Chancellors. Applications will be considered on the basis of the clarity in the Fellowship’s objectives and the strength of contribution to the strategy. Their decision is final.
  5. Successful candidates will be informed and their names will be published via the Vice-Chancellor’s newsletter. Feedback will be provided to unsuccessful candidates.
  6. Once awarded, it will be the responsibility of the Fellow and the Dean to agree when the Fellowship will commence (if not already pre-determined). The agreed objectives will be considered as part of the individual’s PDR.
  7. Where an individual has applied for external funds to partially cover the cost of the Fellowship, an update on the funding situation must be provided once the outcome is known. In the event that the external funding application is unsuccessful, it will be for the Deputy Vice-Chancellor to decide whether the University Fellowship will still be awarded.
  8. All contractual terms and conditions remain in force for the duration of the University Fellowship.
  9. Deans will be expected to monitor the uptake of University Fellowships within their Schools to ensure that all eligible staff are given the opportunity to apply and to record the activities undertaken during the Fellowships. Equality and diversity data will be collected and reported to HRC on a yearly basis.
  10. HR will conduct annual monitoring of the numbers of staff in receipt of University Fellowships and will report the analysis to HRC.