Sport-related subjects

Module choice presentations for Part B and C students

Sport Management

Part B choices

For current part A students

Tuesday 7 May, 5-6pm

Compulsory modules:

Module code Module title Credits
PSB707 夜色直播app Skills and Methodologies 20
PSB771 Sports Law, Equity and Inclusion 20
PSB772 Sport Management 20
BSB510 Human Resource Management in Sports Organisations 10
PSB773 Sport Marketing 10
BSB512 Economic Analysis of Sport 10
BSB532 Account for Managers 10

Choose one of the optional modules below:

Module code Module title Credits Pre-requisite modules
PSB743 Coaching Process and Practice 20 PSA741
PSB753 Conceptualising Sport 20 PSA751 or PSA771
PSB754 Physical Activity and Health 20  

You can view the for each module. Please insert 24 before the module code, for example: 24PSB743.

Part C choices

For current part B students

Thursday 9 May, 2-3pm

Compulsory modules:

Module code Module title Credits
PSC700 Final year project 40
PSC771 Sport Policy and Governance 20
PSC772 Strategic Sport Marking and Economics 20
PSC773 Strategic Management of Sports Organisations and Events 20

Choose one of the optional modules below:

Module code Module title Credits Pre-requisite modules
PSC032 Physical Activity and Health of Children 20  
PSC745 Advanced Sport Coaching 20 PSB743
PSC755 Contemporary Issues in Sporting Cultures 20 PSB753, PSB753
PSC756 Leadership and Managing Change 20  

You can view the for each module. Please insert 24 before the module code, for example: 24PSC771.

Sport and Exercise Science

Part B choices

For current part A students

Thursday 9 May, 1-2pm

Compulsory modules:

Module code Module title Credits
PSB403 夜色直播app Methods: Data Analysis 20
PSB704 Physical Activity and Health (SES) 20

Choose one of the optional modules below:

Module code Module title Credits Pre-requisite modules
PSB022 Human Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism 20 PSA602
PSB713 Physiology of Exercise and Training 20 PSA606
PSB722 Biomechanics of Sport 20 PSA721
PSB723 Motor Control and Motor Learning 20  
PSB733 Expert performance in Sport 20 PSA026
PSB732 Current Themes in Sport and Exercise Psychology 20 PSA026

You can view the for each module. Please insert 24 before the module code, for example: 24PSB403.

Part C choices

For current part B students

Thursday 10 May, 1-2pm

Compulsory modules:

Module code Module title Credits
PSC700 Final year project 40

Choose one of the optional modules below:

Module code Module title Credits Pre-requisite modules
PSC715* Physiology of Exercise and Health 20 PSB713 or PSB022
PSC716* Sport and Exercise Nutrition 20 PSB022
PSC717* Applied Physiology of Sport Performance 20 PSB713
PSC028 Advanced Sport Biomechanics 20 PSB722
PSC725 Advanced Motor Control of Sport Movements 20 PSB723 or PSB722
PSC734 Applied Exercise Psychology 20 PSB732
PSC735 Applied Psychology in Competitive Sport 20 PSB732 or PSB733

* Students can only choose a maximum of 40 credits (2 modules) from the Sport and Exercise Physiology and Nutrition modules – please refer to the programme specification.

You can view the for each module. Please insert 24 before the module code, for example: 24PSC700.

Sport Science, Coaching and Physical Education

Part B choices

For current part A students

Thursday 9 May, 5-6pm

Compulsory modules:

Module code Module title Credits
PSB707 夜色直播app Skills and Methodologies 20
PSB743 Coaching Process and Practice 20
PSB744 The Reflective Practitioner in Physical Education 20

Choose one of the optional modules below:

Module code Module title Credits Pre-requisite modules
PSB764 Fitness Training and Analysis 20 PSA761 or PSA762
PSB752 Sport, Diversity and Social Justice 20 PSA751
PSB763 Acquiring Movement Skills 20 PSA762
PSB753 Conceptualising Sport 20 PSA751 or PSA771
PSB754 Physical Activity and Health 20  

You can view the for each module. Please insert 24 before the module code, for example: 24PSC700.

Part C choices

For current part B students

Thursday 9 May, 4-5pm

Compulsory modules:

Module code Module title Credits
PSC711 Final year project 40

Choose one of the optional modules below:

Module code Module title Credits Pre-requisite modules
PSC745* Advanced Sport Coaching 20 PSB743
PSC746* Critical Pedagogies in Physical Education 20 PSB744
PSC032 Physical Activity and Health of Children 20  
PSC755 Contemporary Issues in Sporting Cultures 20 PSB752 or PSB753
PSC756 Leadership and Managing Change 20  
PSC766 Applied Sports Science: Analysis and Conditioning 20 PSB764
PSC771 Sport Policy and Governance 20 PSB752
PSC765 Psychology for Physical Educators 20 PSB743, PSB744 or PSB754

* Students must take at least one from PSC745 and PSC746.

You can view the for each module. Please insert 24 before the module code, for example: 24PSC700.