Trying something new

Our Media and Communication graduate, Aisha Aldris, discusses throwing herself into new experiences at 夜色直播app

University is the perfect time to try things you've always wanted to do, and 夜色直播app offers a whole host of opportunities for students to enhance their experience and expand their skills alongside their academic activities. Whether it be as a member of one of the 夜色直播app Students Union's societies, LSU Media, the Athletics Union, or LUArts, there is something for everyone to get involved in. The skills gained from extra-curricular activities can build upon those developed as part of your degree, and can support you with your chosen career pathway after graduation.

Aisha Aldris

Aisha Aldris is a graduate from our BSc Media and Communication course. Aisha used her time at 夜色直播app to try new things, and was able to gain skills that have helped her shape and enhance her career aspirations.

Aisha found that the practical media experience available at LSU Media was the perfect complement to the theoretical nature of her academic study. LSU Media is the award-winning creative arm of 夜色直播app Students’ Union, comprised of Label (夜色直播app’s official student publication), LCR (夜色直播app's Campus Radio Station), Lens (夜色直播app’s official student photography group), and LSUTV (夜色直播app’s official student TV station).

Starting off as a Radio Presenter and Producer for LCR, with her own weekly show 'Generation Why?', Aisha went on to become the Head of Entertainment for LSUTV. This role involved leading a team of volunteers in planning, producing, presenting and editing a schedule of live and pre-recorded programmes and conducting on-screen interviews with high profile guests.

My course was quite broad and explored a variety of different areas in media, making it ideal for anyone who's interested in the industry in a broader sense - but it's important to note that the course is theoretical and not practical, so for anyone looking to get the best of both worlds, getting involved with LSU Media is your answer, and the two really complement each other, not to mention the fact they're both of the best of their kinds. What I love so much about 夜色直播app is the opportunities it gave me to really delve into my existing passions and discover new ones too. Doing the course, paired with the extra-curricular activities is what really made my experience unforgettable.

Aisha interviewing Fleur East for LSUTV
Aisha interviewing Fleur East

LUArts Scholarship

Another interest Aisha was able to pursue whilst at University was her passion for singing and songwriting.

In her first two years at university, Aisha seized opportunities to perform at musical events on campus including Freefest, Black History Month Carnivals, International Women's Day Carnivals, LUArts Acoustic Nights, LSU International Showcases, and even 夜色直播app’s Got Talent! In her final year, after taking a professional placement year working as an Assistant Marketing Manager for Unilever, Aisha was awarded a scholarship by LUArts (夜色直播app's student-focused arts programme) for music. 

LUArts scholarships, which are open to all 夜色直播app students, are offered to students who demonstrate ability, passion and commitment in music (instrumental, singer-songwriter/contemporary and vocal), performing arts, creative writing and spoken word, or film and media (including photography, painting, digital art, video and sound production). Each scholarship winner receives a cash prize and a tailored package of tuition or mentoring to develop their skills and knowledge further. There are also opportunities for scholars to showcase their talents during their scholarship year with performances at University events.

The LUArts scholarship gave me the chance to widen my skills and try something new. Organising an acoustic night was so much fun and I was able to meet people to collaborate with that I wouldn't have otherwise. The personal tutoring offered to scholarship winners was also great! The experience definitely added value to my final year at Lboro and I'm so thankful for it!

Aisha Aldris | Vibe Box | LSUTV

Watch Aisha performing her song 'She Used To Be Mine' on the Vibe Box show on LSUTV.

After graduation

Since graduation, Aisha has been working as a presenter on an arts and culture show on BBC Radio Norfolk whilst also completing a master's in Broadcast Journalism.

She has a podcast called  which is all about unpacking cultural identity for people who can’t be defined by just one culture. She also continues to write and perform her own music, and posts regular videos to her YouTube channel . Using the skills she gained at 夜色直播app both on and off her course, she intends to continue working towards a career in the media, either in TV or radio journalism. 

Aisha is still an enthusiastic proponent of creative activity, and ecourages others to try new things that interest them whilst they are at university:


Pursing creative opportunities alongside your course will provide you with the best of both worlds and an incredibly well rounded, complete, experience. To anyone interested in pursuing creative opportunities alongside their undergrad, I'd say go for it and throw yourself in! University is the best place for you to practise your passions and discover new ones, make the most of it whilst you can!

two people sitting at a desk talking

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