Veronica Beedham

A Sense of Place

A Sense of Place is a wide-ranging collection in which Veronica Beedham takes the reader from the chimney stacks of an old home to The Great Lakes, passing by landscapes from Yorkshire, a motorway service station and an evening in New England. In each case, the detail and personal involvement make the poems beautiful.

Runners up

Martyn Crucefix & Andy Hopkins


 - Poet In Residence 2016

Dr Kerry Featherstone - Poet and Lecturer in English

Judges comments

“Accomplished in form and deeply lyrical: it has a fearlessness that I like. It gives you the sort of poetry that feels like it is being created right in front of you, that walks up and comes towards you...” - Helen Calcutt
“Each of these poems deftly establishes a location: interior or exterior, homely or menacing, close by or long distant; they all have a focus on being alive to the setting. The engagement of the poet in the detail of location draws in the reader and delivers a sense of place in a way that few writers can.” - Dr Kerry Featherstone

A Sense of Place can be purchased via the link below.