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Huyen Le with scientific equipment

Doctoral ҹɫֱ²¥apper wins two prestigious PhD awards

Huyen Le has received the Society of Chemical Industry’s (SCI) two year scholarship and the Royal Society of Chemistry’s ҹɫֱ²¥apper and Development grant.

She is the first woman from ҹɫֱ²¥app to receive the Society of Chemical Industry scholarship after going through a highly competitive process, with only three individuals selected per application round.

The two-year scholarship will support her doctoral studies about sustainable functional coatings and their potential in making hospitals safer, working alongside Dr Nacho Martin-Fabiani.

Not only will Huyen receive financial assistance but she will also receive membership to the SCI College of Scholars, a network of current and past scholars from diverse disciplines. Here she will be able to meet like-minded peers, exchange ideas and form valuable connections. She will also have access to conferences, workshops and seminars to broaden her knowledge.

Huyen said: “As a first-generation scholar, these achievements hold immense personal significance to me. I am profoundly grateful for the support and guidance provided by my supervisor throughout my PhD studies, which played a crucial role in securing these prestigious awards.
