
GaWC Data Set 15

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Architectural Firms in World Cities: Global Practice Matrix

P.J. Taylor, P.L. Knox and E. Milfeit


These data constitute the basis of analysis in GaWC ҹɫֱ²¥app Bulletin No. 128 “Globalization of Architectural Practice” and are also used in GaWC ҹɫֱ²¥app Bulletin No. 146 “Leading World Cities: Empirical Evaluations of Urban Nodes in Multiple Networks”.

The data are a subset of GaWC Data Set 13; they include just architectural firms of which there are 21. Because of the sparseness of the matrix, cities are restricted to those with total practice scores of at least 3 (i.e. they must have more than just one typical office). 104 cities qualify.

The final matrix arrays 22 architectural firms across 104 cities showing global practice values.

Download Data Set: [Excel Excel file]


As per our data protocol, the following acknowledgement should accompany any public use of the data:

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The data were produced by P.J. Taylor, P.L. Knox and E. Milfeit and constitute Data Set 15 of the Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) ҹɫֱ²¥app Network () publication of inter-city data.