
Media Coverage

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  Gateways into GaWC
22 November 2018 China Daily
20 November 2018 China Daily USA
15 November 2018 Changsha Evening News
15 November 2018 ETtoday
14 November 2018 people.cn
14 November 2018 National Business Daily
14 November 2018 nbd.com.cn
14 November 2018 Daily Economic News
24 November 2017 The Australian
Sydney's changing skyline
17 August 2017 Estonian World
12 February 2015 The Telegraph
29 August 2014 CityMetric
14 August 2014 Forbes
14 June 2013 China Daily

by Wei Shen (GaWC ҹɫֱ²¥app Fellow)
3 May 2013 Quartz
12 September 2012 CNNGo
Is Hong Kong really Asia's world city?
9 May 2012 Harvard Political Review
10 December 2011 The Jakarta Post
13 October 2011 The Atlantic Cities
28 September 2011 Globes - Israel's Business Arena
TA is a brand bypassing conflict; much stronger than it looks
21 September 2011 Curbed

[GaWC Project 81]
25 May 2011 China Daily
City has all the right credentials
[GaWC Project 71]
15 May 2011 Global Times (China)
Unmistakable Beijing and Shanghai deserve global status
[GaWC Project 71]
27 April 2011 The Economic Times (India)
Bangalore: Hi-Tech city must meet needs of its lowest deck
[GaWC Project 71]
21 April 2011 Das Investment

[GaWC Project 71]
1 August 2010 Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca
Hey T.O.: You're a lovely city, OK? Now grow up and get a thicker skin
[GaWC Project 71]
16 July 2010

The Times
Local business growth needs an international approach
Kathy Pain | Opinion

18 May 2010 Financial Times
Wanted: a strong mayor with vision to see off rival centres
29 April 2010 China Daily

[GaWC Project 71]
10 March 2010 Global Times (China)
Beijing on way to world city status
[GaWC Project 71]
12 February 2010 Gazeta.pl
Poznan: od aglomeracji do swiatowej metropolii?
[GaWC Project 71]
9 February 2010

China Radio International

Interview with Michael Hoyler

19 January 2010 financialnews.com.cn
Chinese and foreign experts: "Chengdu urbanization model" for global reference [in Chinese]
[GaWC Project 71]
2 January 2010 Frankfurter Rundschau
Die sesshafte Klasse
[GaWC Project 59]
December 2009 Sciences Humaines

[GaWC Project 71]
23 November 2009 Repórter Diário
O poder econômico das cidades brasileiras
[GaWC Project 71]
7 September 2009 Slon.ru

[GaWC Project 71]
15 June 2009 UK Trade & Investment (UKTI)
London, New York and Hong Kong dominate world cities
[GaWC Project 71]
24 April 2009 Australian Financial Review
Measure for measure: are Australia's cities global contenders and does it matter?
[GaWC Project 71]
28 January 2009 AME Info
Workshop discusses Abu Dhabi's potentials as a 'world city'
[GaWC Project 79]
17 January 2009 Financial Times
Most popular airline routes
[GaWC RB 152]
24 October 2008 Australian Financial Review
The worldly wise rate Sydney
[GaWC Project 71]
28 September 2008 Le Monde
Matière grise, la nouvelle révolution chinoise
[Postgraduate Project]
8 August 2008 The New York Sun

[GaWC Data Set 6]
24 June 2008 Manila Bulletin
437th Foundation Anniversary of the City of Manila
[GaWC Project 2]
10 June 2008 Le Figaro
Londres reste leader, Shanghai se rapproche
[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 International Business Times, India
London Most Important Center of Commerce, Indian Clout Growing
[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 Deccan Herald
Mumbai, New Delhi and Bangalore Make the List
[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 FinancníNoviny.cz
Nejvýznamnejším mestem globální ekonomiky je Londýn, Praha je 49
[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 portfolio.hu
Budapest Not a Bad Place for Commerce, But Not Too Glossy Either
[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 Macau Daily Times
Shanghai Among Eight Asian Commercial Centres
[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 Taipei Times

[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 Chosun Ilbo
Seoul Maintains Ranking in Top 10 Business Cities
[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 New York Sun

[GaWC Project 64]
10 June 2008 Reuters UK
London Tops List of Global Financial Centres
[GaWC Project 64]
9 June 2008 Globe and Mail
Canada's Cities Lose Ground as Commerce Centers
[GaWC Project 64]
9 June 2008 Business Standard - standard.ro
Zece din cele mai influente 25 de orase comerciale din lume sunt in Europa
[GaWC Project 64]
9 June 2008 Atlanta Business Chronicle
MasterCard Survey Names Atlanta Sixth-Best U.S. Commercial Center
[GaWC Project 64]
9 June 2008 DailyNet.de
Fünf deutsche Städte unter den 75 weltweit wichtigsten Wirtschaftszentren
[GaWC Project 64]
9 June 2008 Kommersant
Moscow: A City of Money and Information
[GaWC Project 64]
9 June 2008 Het Financieele Dagblad
Ledereen wil naar Amsterdam
[GaWC Project 64]
9 June 2008 Het Parool
In top tien van de wereld en vierde in Europa, achter Londen, Parijs en Frankfurt
[GaWC Project 64]
8 June 2008 The Telegraph
London Stays Top in World Cities Survey
[GaWC Project 64]
8 June 2008 Financial Times

[GaWC Project 64]
8 June 2008 Financial Times

[GaWC Project 64]
29 November 2007 Exame
Esqueça os países. O poder está com as cidades
[GaWC Project 64]
27 July 2007

Dong Fang Daily
Interview with Peter Taylor and Kathy Pain

20 June 2007 International Herald Tribune
Asia's Skyscraper Economies Hit a Glass Ceiling
[GaWC Project 64]
20 June 2007 Wirtschaftsblatt
Die führenden Metropolen der Weltwirtschaft
[GaWC Project 64]
14 June 2007 Publinews
MasterCard est sur le point de publier une série d’études novatrices sur le commerce international
[GaWC Project 64]
13 June 2007 The Jerusalem Post
Tel Aviv among World's Top 50 Commerce Centers
[GaWC Project 64]
12 June 2007 Canada NewsWire (CNW Group)

[GaWC Project 64]
12 June 2007 Bloomberg.com
London Tops as World Commercial Center, MasterCard Says
[GaWC Project 64]
12 June 2007 Het Parool
London streeft New York voorbij als economisch centrum van de wereld
[GaWC Project 64]
11 June 2007 Al Bawaba
Dubai among Top 50 Global Centers of Commerce
[GaWC Project 64]
31 May 2007 Metromode

[GaWC Project 2]
20 May 2007

San Antonio Express-News
Assuming S.A. wants to be a world city, how do we get there?
[GaWC Projects 2 and 32]

21 March 2007

Chicago Sun-Times
Alpha bravo! Chicago in top ten
[GaWC Project 2]

25 February 2007

Rheinische Post
Die deutschen Metropolen: Mega-Stadt Rhein Ruhr
Quotes Michael Hoyler on GaWC research

3 February 2007 National Post
Taking the city from beta to alpha
[GaWC Project 2]
February/March 2007

The Diplomat
What price culture?
In the great cities of the world, economic wellbeing and a healthy cultural life go hand in hand. But it's a mix not everyone can easily replicate

25 January 2007 The Globe and Mail
Does beta city have what it takes to be an alpha?
[GaWC Project 2]
3 December 2006 Jie Fang Daily
Peter Taylor: Shanghai and Beijing in the World City Network
1 December 2006

Houston Chronicle chron.com
Houston seeks world's attention. Partnership wants more global marketing
[GaWC Projects 2 and 43]

10 October 2006 Qian Jiang Evening
9 October  2006 Philadelphia Daily News
Why evicting elephants is a dumbo idea
[GaWC Project 2]
7 August 2006 Edge Singapore
As I call it: Are we a global city?
[GaWC Project 2]
23 July 2006 House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee: Fifth Report of Session 2005-06 (Immigration Control), Additional written evidence - Volume III (HC 775-III)

[Postgraduate Project]
27 June 2006 Münchner Merkur
Von der Weltstadt zur Mega-City
[GaWC Project 33]
9 June 2006 Regeneration & Renewal
Key Read: The Polycentric Metropolis
[GaWC Project 33]
8 June 2006 House of Lords Debates: Hansard Volume 682, Part No. 158, Column 1392

[GaWC Project 7]
26 May 2006 Planning
Book questions value of polycentricity concept
[GaWC Project 33]
24 May 2006 Planning Resource
Claims that European planning aims could conflict
[GaWC Project 33]
22 May 2006 Johannesburg News Agency
World class cities and iconic architecture
[GaWC Project 2]
March 2006 Journal of Risk Finance
Global Financial Centres: One, Two, Three ... Infinity?
[GaWC Project 2]
20 January 2006 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation CBC.ca
The Current: Globalization Panel with Peter Taylor on cities in globalization
5 October 2005 Il Sole 24 Ore
Milano, la città del business che non attira investimenti
[GaWC Project 10]
5 September 2005 China Daily

[Postgraduate Project]
9 August 2005 The Business Times Singapore
Alpha city Singapore
[GaWC Project 2]
July 2005 EU-China News
Faces in focus - brains abroad
[Postgraduate Project]
 30 July 2005 Frankfurter Rundschau
Rhein-Main gut platziert im Wettbewerb
[GaWC Project 33]
 28 July 2005 worldchanging
[GaWC Projects 33 and 44]
17 March 2005

Government Technology's Public CIO Magazine

[GaWC Project 32]

8 March 2005

The Arizona Republic
Letter from Yokelville: Phoenix is the nation's fifth-most-populous city, but it lags in yet another indicator of city prosperity and competitiveness: global connections
[GaWC Project 32]

4 March 2005

Atlanta Business Chronicle
also published in 11Alive (Atlanta) as
Atlanta's clout known abroad
[GaWC Project 32]

28 February 2005

The Daily Free Press (Boston)
City 8th in global impact
[GaWC Project 32]

24 February 2005

Campaign for Sensible Growth (Illinois)
Chicago is Second Most Global City in U.S.
[GaWC Project 32]

23 February 2005

Boston Herald
'World class' rankings snub hub
[GaWC Project 32]

23 February 2005

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Report: St. Louis connects globally
[GaWC Project 32]

23 February 2005

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
St. Louis ranks 15th in 'World City Network'
[GaWC Project 32]

18 February 2005

Financial Times
What London needs to do to stay in the game
[GaWC Project 33]

 5 May 2004 Frankfurter Rundschau online
Region auf Profilsuche: Frankfurt und das Rhein-Main-Gebiet brauchen eine klare Struktur, um im Wettbewerb der Ballungsräume zu bestehen
[GaWC Project 11]
1 December 2003 Svenska Dagbladet
De globala städerna på frammarsch
[GaWC Project 2]
9 June 2003 UK membership of the single currency: An assessment of the five economic tests published by HM Treasury
GaWC's London and Frankfurt as World Cities study contributed to the UK Government's judgement that the financial services test had been passed. See EMU study
[GaWC Project 11]
 12 May 2003 Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ Online, English Window) and swissinfo

[GaWC Project 10]
 May 2003 Global Finance
London ranks as world's most connected city for business
[GaWC Project 10]
 22 April 2003 Handelsblatt
London bangt um seinen guten Ruf
[GaWC Project 11]
 6 March 2003 Market Matters (Deutsche Börse Group), no 5
Location, Location, Location?
[GaWC Project 11]
 March 2003 City Planning
Report on 'city businesses reaping rewards of clustering effect'
[GaWC Project 21]
 28 January 2003 Frankfurter Rundschau online
"Wenn London gewinnt, muss Frankfurt nicht verlieren"
Heidelberger Wissenschaftler widerspricht der These vom Bedeutungsverlust des Finanzplatzes am Main
[GaWC Project 11]
 28 January 2003 Frankfurter Rundschau online
Eichel will einen starken Finanzplatz
McKinsey-Papier stößt weiter auf heftigen Widerspruch
[GaWC Project 11]
 5 December 2002 Rhein-Neckar Fernsehen, RNFplus: Campus TV
Die großen Finanzplätze Europas: London und Frankfurt
[GaWC Project 11]
 19 November 2002 Frankfurter Neue Presse
Die Konkurrenz an der Themse: Finanzplatz London gegen Frankfurt: Wer ist stärker?
[GaWC Project 11]
 October 2002 ISI Essential Science Indicators
"World cities and territorial states under conditions of contemporary globalization" (RB 9) identified to be one of the most cited papers in the research area of world cities, the "Emerging ҹɫֱ²¥app Front" in the category "Social Sciences, general" for October 2002
[GaWC Project 2]
 28 August 2002 Frankfurter Rundschau
Schluss mit bunt / Die Kulturkonzerne treiben die digitale Revolution voran
[GaWC Project 2]
 14 August 2002 The Bulletin (Australia)
Melbourne: Chic happens
[GaWC Project 2]
 12 June 2002 Financial Times
A tale of two complementary cities
London and Frankfurt are no longer vying for the top spot in Europe - they work better as complements to each other's business
[GaWC Project 11]
 28 April 2002 New Straits Times (Malaysia)
Sun still hasn't gone down on London
[GaWC Project 10]
 27 April 2002 Galileo
L'Oscar delle città globali
[GaWC Project 10]
 25 April 2002 Boiler, no 86
Globalizzazione: Chi è il più interconnesso del reame?
[GaWC Project 10]
 22 April 2002 De Standaard
De wereld is véél dorpen
[GaWC Project 10]
 21 April 2002 Sky News
London's top of the world
[GaWC Project 10]
 20 April 2002 Financial Times
NATIONAL NEWS: London is most connected city
[GaWC Project 10]
 19 April 2002 Telepolis
Das Netzwerk der globalen Städte
[GaWC Project 10]
 18 April 2002 ORF ON Science
Globalisierungs-Ranking von Städten
[GaWC Project 10]
 18 April 2002 wissenschaft.de
Forscher bestimmt Globalisierung der Städte
[GaWC Project 10]
 18 April 2002 Il Messaggero
E' Londra la città più globalizzata al mondo
Gli economisti inglesi: Milano tra le prime dieci, Roma fuori
[GaWC Project 10]
 18 April 2002 Die Zeit
Vernetzte Globalisierung
[GaWC Project 10]
 4 April 2002 Die Bank, no 4
Internationale Finanzplätze: Rivalen oder Partner?
International financial centres: rivals or partners?
[GaWC Project 11]
 April 2002 deutsche horizonte, no 12
Finanzplätze London und Frankfurt: Partner im Wettbewerb?
[GaWC Project 11]
 April 2002 vision+money, no 22
Study compares London and Frankfurt financial centres
[GaWC Project 11]
 April 2002 British-German Review, 20 (2)
Comparing London and Frankfurt as World Cities (Book Review)
[GaWC Project 11]
 4 March 2002 The Sydney Morning Herald
A beta way to do business
[GaWC Project 2]
 21 February 2002 Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Frankfurts Ruf als Finanzplatz verblasst / London unwiderruflich in der Spitzenposition
[GaWC Project 11]
 14 February 2002 Die Zeit

Führende Bankmanager verlassen Frankfurt am Main. Trotzdem wächst das Finanzgeschäft in der Stadt
[GaWC Project 11]
 8 February 2002 Die Woche
Und der Verlierer ist: Frankfurt a. M.
High Potentials machen Karriere in London, München gewinnt an Bedeutung: "Mainhattan" gleitet ab in die zweite Liga
[GaWC Project 11]
 1 February 2002 Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
London und Frankfurt profitieren voneinander
Der Euro und die Zentralbank stärken die Stadt am Main / Eine neue Studie
[GaWC Project 11]
 31 January 2002 Frankfurter Rundschau online
London bleibt Nummer eins
Finanzplatz Frankfurt nur Pforte zum deutschen Markt
[GaWC Project 11]
 31 January 2002 Financial Times Deutschland
Die mysteriöse Symbiose von London und Frankfurt
[GaWC Project 11]
 31 January 2002 Deutschlandfunk
Quotes part of an interview with Prof. Taylor in a report regarding the changes at Deutsche Bank
[GaWC Project 11]
 30 January 2002 FAZ.NET
Weltstadt am Main
[GaWC Project 11]
 30 January 2002 vwd (Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste)
Experten: Finanzplätze London und Frankfurt "können sich ergänzen"
[GaWC Project 11]
 December 2001
The Banker
London retains top trading spot despite continuing euro absence
[GaWC Project 11]
 24 November 2001 Financial Times
A touch of paranoia about one's place in the world
Despite periodic hand-wringing about Continental competition, London's financial services industry is still pre-eminent in Europe by a long way
[GaWC Project 11]
 20 November 2001 Financial Times
NATIONAL NEWS: Frankfurt fails to steal London's crown as financial capital
[GaWC Project 11]
 28 August 2001 WorldCity Business
Finding Central America on the world city map
[GaWC Project 10]
 4 March 2001 The Dallas Morning News
The Time has come for Dallas-Fort Worth to ease into urban maturity
[GaWC Project 2]
 3 July 2000 The Globe and Mail
And now a word about Toronto
[GaWC Project 2]
 19 June 2000 The Globe and Mail
A crisis of culture
[GaWC Project 2]
 17 May 2000 The Dallas Morning News
Dallas is C-list? Whatever
[GaWC Project 2]
 April 2000 Wallpaper
[GaWC Project 2]